2D Object Recognition Project

Hello @duckfrost,
yes, i would say the project is alive, just it is little bit waiting for answers for the “hard” questions that i posted before:

  • how to implement object pool - should we use the union pooler? or is here any more usable code?
  • how to implement distal input to location layer (arrow no.4 on picture)

I am putting the little time that i can spare now for improving the HTMpanda Vis and this is the main testable code that i am using for it.

Any help on any frontier is appreciated.

When launching getting this issue when launching : python main.py

What issue do you mean? The log you posted seems to be not the latest master.
I guess this is just iteration, sensor position and SDR representing the encoded sensor feature.

Also note: I made some major updates related to calculation order (when you sense feature and when you make prediction and for what data the prediction is made) This was not correct since now. This is in the branch pandaVisIntegration and not yet in the master (i will merge it soon)

About the htm.core installation, post it as github issue here GitHub - htm-community/htm.core: Actively developed Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) community fork (continuation) of NuPIC. Implementation for C++ and Python
But for the first look, you should be using python3.6 and greater, but in the log appears python2.7, which shouldn’t.
I will make a note in the readme that python3.6< must be used in this project.