AGI and Wireheading

Is evolution ethical?

I hope to make a replica of an animals brain, and then to replicate evolution to adapt that animal to a body & task of my choosing. This will entail making the animals compete against each other. The losers will suffer, die, and be removed from the gene pool. The winners will swap genetic material to create the next generation before dying of old age.

And for your horror, observe that often the losers lose not because of their choices or actions, but rather they lose because of their poor genetic material, a circumstance of their birth. When Darwin published his theory it caused controversy because it implies that the world is indifferent to suffering.

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I don’t know. I think there’s a difference between a solution that can work, and the way to enforce it. I also think the system doesn’t need to be perfect as long as the enforcement is well-intentioned in the interest of all, and is dedicated to improve genuinely.

Then again, I also think it’s easier to cheat and destroy than to build. :-7

Would these replica’s be conscious?

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