Don't swarm for Anomaly models

I think you mean py vs cpp. We have versions of HTM algorithms in both python and C++. This specifies with version you want to use. C++ is faster. They both will return exactly the same results.


We recently introduced breaking changes to NuPIC. Those are the errors you’re seeing. Thanks for pointing this out, we’ll be fixing this example codebase soon.

If you have daily data points, there should be no time-of-day encoding included. The params returned by getScalarMetricWithTimeOfDayAnomalyParams won’t handle daily inputs well. Hourly or minutely, sure. Best would be every 10-15 minutes.

That is a good idea if you want the model to lock into recently seen patterns and not learn anything new.

You just re-enable learning again.

You’ll have to do this outside of NuPIC.

You’ll have to explain what you are confused about. Swarming returns model params that could be used for prediction or anomaly detection. So the statement makes sense to me.

You will either need to change these labels to match the names of of your input file field names, or change the input file field names to match the model params.