Experimenting with stacking Spatial Poolers

What does it mean to “recognize a pattern?”
Who or what looks at this recognized pattern?
I get that you have some pattern of bit in an SDR but how does that do anything useful? That is just as arbitrary and meaningless as the pattern of bits in the original image. Further, for image recognition forget anything you have learned about image segmentation you may be familiar with as none of those techniques work with saccades.

If you think about that you may see some of the reason that I see pattern recognition a little differently than you do. As a thought provoker - I see the visual stream as staying distributed entirely to the association regions. There is image processing but it stays local. Combine that with the hex-grids I have described elsewhere and you will be on the path.

As I see it - the palimpsest of images ends up in the association regions as a stable hex-grid, refined and reinforced by each successive wave of saccade data. Sort of a game of 20 questions - but with scraps of images.