Hierarchical Temporal Memory Agent in standard Reinforcement Learning Environment

Hi all,

This is my BS’s final year project report using HTM to perform reinforcement learning. The report mainly contains 2 things: How Etaler works and trying to use HTM in a standard RL environment. Etaler is always available at https://github.com/etaler/Etaler and the RL agent can be find in https://github.com/marty1885/HTM-CartPole. The agent architecture is loosely designed after @sunguralikaan’s HTM Based Autonomous Agent paper.

English isn’t my first language so there will be mistakes in my report. And I should have spent more time in the RL part. Hopefully they don’t effect too much. Also since this is not a a paper, I have taken some liberty to joke around here and there.

Hopefully you find it interesting.

Edit: Oops I forgot to post the link to the report :stuck_out_tongue: Silly me