How to Run HTM School Visualizations

Episode 10 (Doesn’t work):
As I click “Episode 10: Topology Topology” the terminal output does not change at all.

Episode 11 (works fine, stating here for comparison. Only a few minor issues listed):

For your ready info, when I clicked “Episode 11: Temporal Memory Part 1 Sequencer”, I get following text, and visualisation works fine:

{u’boostStrength’: 1,
u’columnDimensions’: [1024],
u’dutyCyclePeriod’: 1000,
u’globalInhibition’: True,
u’inputDimensions’: [100],
u’localAreaDensity’: 0,
u’minPctOverlapDutyCycle’: 0.001,
u’numActiveColumnsPerInhArea’: 20,
u’potentialPct’: 0.85,
u’potentialRadius’: 100,
u’stimulusThreshold’: 1,
u’synPermActiveInc’: 0.05,
u’synPermConnected’: 0.1,
u’synPermInactiveDec’: 0.008,
u’wrapAround’: True}
_conjureActiveColumns: 6.79492950439e-05 seconds
_conjurePotentialPools: 0.0749340057373 seconds
_conjureConnectedSynapses: 0.00297904014587 seconds
_conjurePermanences: 0.00664615631104 seconds
Saving SP db350db1 to memory… - - [05/Feb/2018 23:16:35] “HTTP/1.1 POST /_sp/” - 200 OK
{u’activationThreshold’: 10,
u’cellsPerColumn’: 16,
u’columnDimensions’: [1024],
u’connectedPermanence’: 0.5,
u’initialPermanence’: 0.21,
u’maxNewSynapseCount’: 20,
u’maxSegmentsPerCell’: 255,
u’maxSynapsesPerSegment’: 255,
u’minThreshold’: 10,
u’permanenceDecrement’: 0.02,
u’permanenceIncrement’: 0.1,
u’predictedSegmentDecrement’: 0}
Created TM db350db1
_conjureActiveCells: 8.10623168945e-06 seconds - - [05/Feb/2018 23:16:35] “HTTP/1.1 POST /_tm/” - 200 OK

Visualisation is not as neat as your video though, also not the controls. Transparency level of the cell gets very high, as soon as I click the play button. Screenshot attached.

As for the 3d controls, do you use any keys other than WASDQE? How do you pitch and yaw?

PS: I am presenting HTM theory in the morning to my colleagues, I am preparing the notes and visualisations therefore. :slight_smile: Kindly help!