HTM School 12: Temporal Memory Part 2

Hi all. Another HTM enthusiast here seeking clarification. In the 6:25 - 7:15 section, @rhyolight says we choose the winner cell to be the cell with the fewest segments. He then says:

Now that the winner cell selection is done, we need to either create segments or grow synapses from all the active cells in this bursting column.

Looking at the pseudocode for burstColumn in BAMI (page 9), it looks like the above statement isn’t true. Instead, only a new segment is grown from the winner cell (which makes sense in my wet HTM).

As I searched around the forum for the answer, I came across this thread in which @mrcslws says:

The winner cells are only used for deciding which synapses to grow.

If that’s true–and in every other case it seems to be–then it seems unnecessary in this case to choose a winner cell if we’re not going to…afford it the privilege?..of being the only one who learns this context.

Can anyone please clarify? Am I reading the code wrong? Is this a special case?

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