Intelligence is embarrassingly simple. Part 2

See the numbers below the line “Last SuperCells producers”? 138, 1, 43, … - those are number of sub-clusters for each handwritten digit(number?). If I remember properly, every MNIST class is defined by a number of 4 pixel BLOBs augmented with “saccades”. Next img shows yellow [empty] squares - those are BLOBs. There are millions of combinations of around 10-20? pixels out of 28x28 - which is C(20, 784). NOt an easy task.
But from that low accuracy simple 20 pixel combination my net grew up stable “granny cells” of around 40 pixels (yellow squares with green cores) - that gives a search space C(40, 784). Incomputable, but there they are. Same GPT-Teaser platform… just different [image] driver.
I saw them - grannies, (so beautiful(c)) - and gave up further work. It should not be conducted in a garage lab.

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