December 7, 2018, 11:17pm
I did a search for “Kanerva” on this forum and could not confirm that.
Numenta is certainly aware of the work but I can’t see that Kanerva ever worked for Jeff.
The most relevant hits are here:
I came across a book from Pentti Kanerva titled Sparse Distributed Memory. It arrived today and upon looking through it I became surprised that I’d not heard of Kanerva’s work before.
As the cortex is a sparse distributed memory system, and is the bases of HTM theory, Kanerva’s book goes into great detail of the subject of SDM (or ‘SDR’) so is a great read for extending the understanding and appreciation for how the cortex communicates in this simple but brilliant semantic language.
Beyond tha…
“We present an end-to-end trained memory system that quickly adapts to new data and generates samples like them. Inspired by Kanerva’s sparse distributed memory, it has a robust distributed reading and writing mechanism. The memory is analytically tractable, which enables optimal on-line compression via a Bayesian update-rule. We formulate it as a hierarchical conditional generative model, where memory provides a rich data-dependent prior distribution. Consequently, the top-down memory and botto…
If you look at the original STDP paper (Bi & Poo 1998) and any paper that measures postsynaptic potentials, it’s pretty clear that synapses can be and often are weighted. They also come in a huge diversity of different sizes, and this has some relationship to the evoked synaptic potential. And this is true for pyramidal neurons too (Bi & Poo was hippocampal pyramids), it’s just that we don’t know whether or to what degree the weight matters, computationally.
You get a lot of power even just fro…
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