Project : Full-layer V1 using HTM insights

That would be quite typical of me I believe. Jumping to an interpretation from a first photographic impression. Should have pondered about that some more, I’m sorry.
Yet I must say, I was quite impressed by the behavior of that lab rat you modeled, and so I’ve spent quite some time trying to decipher how you did it and what it was all about. In the end I’m not sure I’ve understood much of it. So, I’m still struggling to follow that approach. Please bear with my slow grasp on the matter. Adding to my confusion is that at times you can get quite metaphoric (eg, zombie bots), please consider english is not my mothertongue :wink:

I’ll try to give my understanding another shot, and answer to your post later in the day (And also to your reply on your oscillatory topic). At the moment I’m starting to read Marr’s paper. Thank you again for that gem, @Bitking.