Question about linking individual TMs

The possible solution to these problems could be if TM had these specific properties:

  • you can specify any arbitrary number of external contexts to TM
  • aka “distal external” context, but I’m not sure that’s a correct naming
  • each context is represented as SDR
  • I guess it’s probably implemented in TM, but I haven’t found any examples or guides on how to use >this functionality.
  • also each context induces different kind of depolarizations defined by it’s own activation threshold
  • i.e. you can specify unique activation thresholds for both inner distal connections and each of the >external contexts
  • then all different kinds of depolarizations are merged by AND operation - i.e. the cell becomes >depolarized only if it has all kinds of depolarizations
  • consequently you can specify max number of segments and max size of each segment not only for >inner distal connections, but also for each of the provided external contexts.

So, I’d like to know is it already implemented in the current version of TM and how to use it? Or >maybe it’s somehow planned to be done?

The funcionality that you are talking about, is not implemented in htm.core.
In order to proceed with 2D object recognition project we need this.
So i started this issue.
In htm.core we have Thousand brains theory python code implemented and mainly the apical tiebreak TM,
which i think is the closest what we need. I am digging now in this code to figure out how it works & what can be used.