The multiencoder can encode different fields of the same data record into the same SDR, but what is the output of SP?

sorry I am not familiar with other modelsā€¦ I just used supervised NN and HTM so far :grin:

The HTM uses a NN for the classification/prediction. This is what we call the SIR-classifier.
As far as I know, there is no paper about all the details. But you can check these links to find out more about this classifier:

And there is also a paper about the prediction that you can checkā€¦ but the part about the classifier itself is quite shortā€¦ but the paper is really interesting anyway.
and finally I also asked about the classifiers in this forum.
Maybe you get an better idea about the different classifiers when reading this. It is quite short, but IMO helpful :blush:

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