Good start. Now how do you do online learning with this?
This is a critical and deeper problem - assume that you programmed this memory array with large comprehensive databases - say wikipedia level on a variety of subjects: how does it pick actions that are good?
Sure - it “knows” everything a college grad does but should it use a sledgehammer, front end loader, explosive, battering ram, locksmith, or jiggle the handle to open a locked door in a room it is exploring? Should it start a sub-mission to search for the key? Should it occur to the AI that a locked door means that the contents of the whatever is behind it is not part of it’s exploration even though it has decided to explore the house as it was commanded?
Most AI researchers learn that common sense is not so common early on.
If I am correct, judgement in these matters is programmed right alongside facts of the environment - part of the online learning. This emotional shading of the facts that make up the basic learning through the agents life as it goes from basic programmed innate knowledge to “adulthood” is critical for forming judgements. Critters learn this with various emotional shading as they encounter things - fire bad, warm from fire good, hot food from fire good, very hot food from fire bad …
Every object, every interactions - all are stored with some sort of personal judgement of personal relevance on multiple dimensions of emotional values.
So - add emotions and a hippocampus to store episodes of experience and a limbic system to form these personal judgements, an online learning system to record these experiences, and some method of transferring these judgement salted memories to the correct location in the multi-level associative memory that you described.
I can see, in broad brush detail, how the biology does this; I can’t see how to do this with any traditional deep learning memory.
The problem of common sense is one of the huge stumbling block for any AI effort, and the source of most dystopian views of any AI implementation.