2D Object Recognition Project

I have used the grid cell encoder output as the direct representation of the LL (Location layer) and wired up to the secondary distal input of the SL(Sensor layer).

I got this result:

And there is anomaly spike always on [7,4] when goes to the RIGHT
and on [4,4] when goes to the LEFT.

My first tought was that it is because of Repeating inputs problem so i call tm.reset() when agent comes to the same place where he started ( [3,4] ).

So then i got anomaly of 1.0 always the next step after the reset(). Is that expected?
When i ignore the 1.0 after each reset anomaly looks like that:
Anomaly always at [7,4] when going to the RIGHT.

The dimensions of the SL,LL and other parameters are really roughly set-up… any recommendations for the dimensions of the layers?

Also about the LL - now its just agent position encoded by GCE, but as i understand, it should be SP with GCE on its proximal input right? And i shouldn’t encode agent position but rather his movement. (incremental) and keep the actual position de facto inside the LL.

code is on this branch
Thanks for any help or recommendations