April 16, 2019, 7:20am
I think that HTM Theory can explan the déjà . Maybe in high level neocortex, SDR’s demension is not very big. because the probability of false positive(experience of déjà vu) is not so small.
I agree that HTM offers an explanation. An active match of fragments of similar memories could trigger a “mis-fire” of recognition.
See if this fits with your ideas:
You did ask about LT/ST outside of the hippocampus and I did not answer your question directly but pointed you to the central nature of the entorhinal cortex / hippocampal formation (EC/HF) in the memory systems.
I feel like I left your question less than half answered.
There are several interrelated time scales in the memory system.
The shortest is actual perception.
Say what?
Yes - perception is an active recall process. In the first part of perception, cells in the cortex and thalamus ha…