Anomaly detection for multi features

According to the examples I founded in the site ,I see the number of predict attribute that was predicted for detected anomaly was 1.

> model.enableInference({'predictedField': 'consumption'})

I have three questions ,

  1. If I want to predict more than one attribute , can I do that with NuPIC (for anomaly detection purpose)?
  2. What is the recommended number of features that I can predict as ratio to the number of input features ? , can I predicate the all input features ? , or may that will decries the accuracy of the
    prediction ?
  3. If the answers to the first question is Yes!,How I tell to to the model to predict more than one feature model.enableInference({'predictedField': 'consumption'})?

Not being familiar with the full NuPIC reagons API. Just some experiences with HTM overall.

Yes, just use the MutiEncoder to encode all your data into one SDR.

Around 5~6 features are generally the maximum amount you can work with. And sort of yes, the more feature, the less accurate the predictions become (more possible corrilations)

A MultiEncoder!

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Ok, thanks for your answers.
So itā€™s mean in the predict I need to define?

model.enableInference({'predictedField': '**my_multiEncoderField**'}

Another question, you write that the maximum number of predict features are 5-6.
Your recommendation is depending on the number of representing bits (n) of that features in the SP? For example if I have 10 parameters that share the 2048 bit span, and I try to predict part of them or all of them why this is changing the accuracy of the predict?
In addition in others multi features predict technic (like LSTM,CNN), if I have allot of features that I want to predict, with copmlex infrastructure I add more layers to my model, thereā€™s something similar in the NuPIC, that give the ability to representing more complex infrastructure.


Thanks for your interest in HTM and asking on the forum.

Iā€™m not very familiar with the reasons API. But I do think that is the way to go. Maybe another forum member can help.

You predict all of them. A standard HTM network is composed with 2 layers. A SP, which reduces noise and unneeded information. And a TM, which predicts the next time step. Given a predicted SDR, you can ask SP to walk back itā€™s synapses to reconstruct the input field.

Unfortunately staking layers in NuPIC although is doable, it will not give you any extra performance in standard HTM. I (and other community members) am working on an implementation of the thousand brains theory which will allow multiple cortical columns to work together. But unlike staking CNN layers and extracting higher and higher level features, it utilizes multiple cortical columns to predicting simultaneously.

Hi @MAK thanks for joining the forum.

Unfortunately not.


Hii @rhyolight thaks for your answers.
But if I am working with algorithm API like @marty1885 recommended, with multi-encoder for encoding multi features, why I canā€™t use the anomaly detector mechanism directly? Or even implement it according to document

I try to understand the limitations of the existing HTM framework,
can I predict or recognize anomaly in case that I have more than one feature? (by Algorithm API) , in case that I want to predict more than 1 attribute ,may I can do that with setting all the features I want to predict in one multi encoder, and set this feature as predict feature ?


Since you asked: If I want to predict more than one attribute. I think rhyolight (aka Matt) is referring to reconstructing all bits of the input filed and convert them back into real values. Which is in fact nearly impossible. But sure, you can use the anomaly detector with multiple input features. That is doable and a quite useful feature of HTM.

Yes you are able to implement these things yourself. And please do! and share with us when you are done :smiley:

Yes you can. The anomaly indication takes into account all encoded features. You can do this through the Network API or use the OPF with a TemporalAnomaly model as shown in the hot gym anomaly params. You can add more fields and encodings to this model and as long as you adjust your model params in the SP appropriately (the number of encoded bits must match the SPā€™s input size) it should work.

It is possible, and there is even an issue describing it. But decoders are required for this, so it would only work with simple scalar numbers today.

Hi All,

Thank you all for the valuable info you provide here:).
Iā€™m a lil bit confused:

I want to build an anomaly detection app and I have multiple features. they are scalar but I only need anomaly score for them. from what I understood it is possible and I have to use ā€˜TemporalAnomalyā€™ as the inference type. Am I right? now if I do when creating the model I need to call the model.enableInference function, but it receives only one fieldā€¦:(. what is the solution here?
do i have to create the model in some other way or use a new encoder for my multiple features?

thanks in advance


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Iā€™m doing multivariate anomaly detection too, and the approach I take is to have parallel NuPIC models running, one for each feature (often referred to as ā€˜fieldsā€™ in NuPIC lingo).

I generate the models params file for each fieldā€™s model with:

MODEL_PARAMS = getScalarMetricWithTimeOfDayAnomalyParams(
    metricData = my_dataframe[[my_fieldname,my_datetimefieldname]].values,
    tmImplementation = "cpp",  ## use 'tm_cpp' if you don't want BacktrackingTM
    minVal = min(my_dataframe[my_fieldname]),
    maxVal = max(my_dataframe[my_fieldname]), 

To see the encoder params you can do this:

`encodersDict = (MODEL_PARAMS["modelConfig"]["modelParams"]["sensorParams"]["encoders"])`
 for field, paramVals in encodersDict.items():
    print('Field = {} --> ParamVals = {}'.format(field,paramVals))

Once you fully understand this sub-dict Iā€™m calling ā€˜encodersDictā€™, you can modify it to use your field-name, rather than the default ā€˜c1ā€™. You could also add more fields to make it a multivariate model, though Iā€™d recommend using separate univariate models for a couple reasons:

  1. Itā€™ll give each model as clear a signal as possible
  2. You can see which specific fields are showing anomalous behavior, which you canā€™t do if you put them all into 1 big model. This also give you the flexibility to define a ā€˜system anomalyā€™ however you like. I current say if more than __% of fields are anomalous within __ timespan then the multivariate system as a whole is being anomalous.

Also to address your original question about model.enableInference only taking one field, this is because currently even multivariate NuPIC models can only forecast one field at a time. Just because youā€™re only forecasting one field doesnā€™t mean the model is only learning from that field.


Hi, just to clarify, I think people are mixing things up here.

For anomaly detection: you donā€™t need the decodings of the predicted patterns. Hence you can just fine encode miltiple features into a singe HTM region (using MultiEncoder, as Marty suggested). HTM will create its representations and predictions by iteself from which you derive the anomaly score.

For ā€œdecodingā€ aka predicting the values back in ā€œhumanā€/original format, you need a so called Classifier. It would be possible to predict from multiple features at once, as Matt says probably the implementation does not support that.

(@dmac does our reworked SDRClassifer work on multiple features? )

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Right, the anomaly scores are not effected by which feature is set as ā€˜predictedFieldā€™, though I think you still need to set a predictedField for the params.

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Use multiple classifiers.

thank you very much for your answer!

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