Details needed on spatial pooler algo

I used the pdf that numenta supplies which explains the pseudocode of the spatial pooler to see if I could write a quick version in In the process, I ran into a few ambiguities. One of them was with the following line:

inhibitionRadius = averageReceptiveFieldSize()

Lets assume I am using a scalar encoder to encode some numbers, and then I pass the output of the scalar encoder to the spatial pooler. I would think that there is no topology in this specific case, so that any particular column’s neighbors would encompass all columns (except itself) in the spatial pooler. I would also think that the inhibition would be global too - the inhibition radius would take in all the columns. Is that true?

I’ll paste one class from my program to give a flavor of what I’m doing. Nothing has been tested yet, but if it works (I am using to test an idea), I could post all the code here. Here is one class:

Public Class SpatialPoolClass

    Private columns() As spColumn
    Private activeColumnIndices As List(Of Integer)

    Sub ComputeOverlapWithInput()
        Dim c As spColumn
        Dim s As Synapse
        Dim numones As Integer

        For Each c In columns
            numones = 0
            For Each s In c.pDendrite
                If s.permanence < ClassConstants.connectedPerm Then
                    Continue For
                End If
                If ClassConstants.encodedinput(s.sourceInputIndex) Then
                    numones = numones + 1
                End If
            If numones < ClassConstants.stimulusThreshold Then
                c.pOverlap = 0
                c.pOverlap = numones * c.pBoost
            End If

    End Sub
    Sub ComputeWinningColumns()
        ' assuming global inhibition area.
        Dim c As spColumn
        Dim minLocalActivity As Double
        Dim collist As List(Of spColumn)

        collist = columns.ToList
        activeColumnIndices = New List(Of Integer)

        For Each c In columns
            minLocalActivity = kthScore(collist, ClassConstants.numActiveColumnsPerinhArea, c.pColindex)
            If c.pOverlap > 0 And c.pOverlap >= minLocalActivity Then
            End If

    End Sub
    Sub UpdateSynapsePermanenceAndMore()
        Dim index As Integer
        Dim c As spColumn
        Dim s As Synapse
        For Each index In activeColumnIndices
            c = columns(index)
            For Each s In c.pDendrite
                If Then
                    s.permanence = s.permanence + ClassConstants.synPermActiveInc
                    If s.permanence > 1 Then
                        s.permanence = 1
                    End If
                    s.permanence = s.permanence - ClassConstants.synPermInactiveDec
                    If s.permanence < 0 Then
                        s.permanence = 0
                    End If
                End If
        Dim ov As Double
        For Each c In columns
            c.pMinDutyCycle = 0.01 * maxDutyCycle(c.pNeighbors)
            c.pActiveDutyCycle = c.updateActiveDutyCycle()
            c.pBoost = c.adjustBoost
            ov = c.UpdateOverlapDutyCycle()
            If ov < c.pMinDutyCycle Then
                c.increasePermanences(0.1 * ClassConstants.connectedPerm)
            End If
        ClassConstants.inhibitionRadius = averageReceptiveFieldSize()
    End Sub
    Sub ComputeOnce()
    End Sub

    Sub Initialize(ByRef inputVector() As Boolean)
        ' every dendrite should have synapses connected to the input encoder.   Their permanences should be set.
        Dim HowManySynapses As Integer
        HowManySynapses = ClassConstants.bitsPerPattern * 0.5
        ReDim columns(ClassConstants.columnCount - 1)
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        For i = 0 To ClassConstants.columnCount - 1
            Dim c As New spColumn(i)
            For j = 0 To HowManySynapses
            columns(i) = c
    End Sub
    Function kthScore(ByRef cols As List(Of spColumn), ByVal k As Integer, ByVal colindex As Integer) As Double
        ' return k'th highest overlap value.  Sideeffect is to sort the columns.
        ' this assumes that overlap was calculated earlier for each column in the list
        ' it assumes k starts at 1
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer

        If cols.Count = 0 Then
            Return 0
        End If
        i = cols.Count - k
        If i < 0 Then
            Return 0
        End If
        If colindex > -1 Then
            For j = i To cols.Count
                If cols(j).pColindex = colindex Then
                    i = i - 1
                    Exit For
                End If
        End If

        Return cols(i).pOverlap
    End Function

    Public Function averageReceptiveFieldSize() As Double
        Dim c As spColumn
        Dim sum As Double

        For Each c In columns
            sum = sum + c.preceptivefieldsize
        Return (sum / columns.Count)
    End Function
    Function maxDutyCycle(ByVal cols As List(Of spColumn)) As Double
        Dim i As Integer

        Dim maxdc As Double = 0
        For i = 0 To cols.Count - 1
            If maxdc < cols(i).pMovingAverageOfDutyCycle Then
                maxdc = cols(i).pMovingAverageOfDutyCycle
            End If
        Return maxdc
    End Function
End Class

Which document are you following? This is the most recent psuedocode:

But also, if there is no topology, there will be global inhibition, which means the receptive field size of all columns should be the same (they all cover the same area). The only difference will be in the randomness in the field.

My document was outdated. Thanks for sending me the new one.