I used the pdf that numenta supplies which explains the pseudocode of the spatial pooler to see if I could write a quick version in vb.net. In the process, I ran into a few ambiguities. One of them was with the following line:
inhibitionRadius = averageReceptiveFieldSize()
Lets assume I am using a scalar encoder to encode some numbers, and then I pass the output of the scalar encoder to the spatial pooler. I would think that there is no topology in this specific case, so that any particular column’s neighbors would encompass all columns (except itself) in the spatial pooler. I would also think that the inhibition would be global too - the inhibition radius would take in all the columns. Is that true?
I’ll paste one class from my program to give a flavor of what I’m doing. Nothing has been tested yet, but if it works (I am using to test an idea), I could post all the code here. Here is one class:
Public Class SpatialPoolClass
Private columns() As spColumn
Private activeColumnIndices As List(Of Integer)
Sub ComputeOverlapWithInput()
Dim c As spColumn
Dim s As Synapse
Dim numones As Integer
For Each c In columns
numones = 0
For Each s In c.pDendrite
If s.permanence < ClassConstants.connectedPerm Then
Continue For
End If
If ClassConstants.encodedinput(s.sourceInputIndex) Then
numones = numones + 1
End If
If numones < ClassConstants.stimulusThreshold Then
c.pOverlap = 0
c.pOverlap = numones * c.pBoost
End If
End Sub
Sub ComputeWinningColumns()
' assuming global inhibition area.
Dim c As spColumn
Dim minLocalActivity As Double
Dim collist As List(Of spColumn)
collist = columns.ToList
activeColumnIndices = New List(Of Integer)
For Each c In columns
minLocalActivity = kthScore(collist, ClassConstants.numActiveColumnsPerinhArea, c.pColindex)
If c.pOverlap > 0 And c.pOverlap >= minLocalActivity Then
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdateSynapsePermanenceAndMore()
Dim index As Integer
Dim c As spColumn
Dim s As Synapse
For Each index In activeColumnIndices
c = columns(index)
For Each s In c.pDendrite
If s.active Then
s.permanence = s.permanence + ClassConstants.synPermActiveInc
If s.permanence > 1 Then
s.permanence = 1
End If
s.permanence = s.permanence - ClassConstants.synPermInactiveDec
If s.permanence < 0 Then
s.permanence = 0
End If
End If
Dim ov As Double
For Each c In columns
c.pMinDutyCycle = 0.01 * maxDutyCycle(c.pNeighbors)
c.pActiveDutyCycle = c.updateActiveDutyCycle()
c.pBoost = c.adjustBoost
ov = c.UpdateOverlapDutyCycle()
If ov < c.pMinDutyCycle Then
c.increasePermanences(0.1 * ClassConstants.connectedPerm)
End If
ClassConstants.inhibitionRadius = averageReceptiveFieldSize()
End Sub
Sub ComputeOnce()
End Sub
Sub Initialize(ByRef inputVector() As Boolean)
' every dendrite should have synapses connected to the input encoder. Their permanences should be set.
Dim HowManySynapses As Integer
HowManySynapses = ClassConstants.bitsPerPattern * 0.5
ReDim columns(ClassConstants.columnCount - 1)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 0 To ClassConstants.columnCount - 1
Dim c As New spColumn(i)
For j = 0 To HowManySynapses
columns(i) = c
End Sub
Function kthScore(ByRef cols As List(Of spColumn), ByVal k As Integer, ByVal colindex As Integer) As Double
' return k'th highest overlap value. Sideeffect is to sort the columns.
' this assumes that overlap was calculated earlier for each column in the list
' it assumes k starts at 1
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
If cols.Count = 0 Then
Return 0
End If
i = cols.Count - k
If i < 0 Then
Return 0
End If
If colindex > -1 Then
For j = i To cols.Count
If cols(j).pColindex = colindex Then
i = i - 1
Exit For
End If
End If
Return cols(i).pOverlap
End Function
Public Function averageReceptiveFieldSize() As Double
Dim c As spColumn
Dim sum As Double
For Each c In columns
sum = sum + c.preceptivefieldsize
Return (sum / columns.Count)
End Function
Function maxDutyCycle(ByVal cols As List(Of spColumn)) As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim maxdc As Double = 0
For i = 0 To cols.Count - 1
If maxdc < cols(i).pMovingAverageOfDutyCycle Then
maxdc = cols(i).pMovingAverageOfDutyCycle
End If
Return maxdc
End Function
End Class