How does SDRClassifier make predictions?

thank you very much. i can understand it work as a classifier but i can not understand how it make prediction ( t+1, t+3, t+5…). can anyone show me the document explain this classifier can make predition ?

Hey @life_happy, these may help get you started:


thank you very much @brev

Can you show me how to get the document they show in that video clip. I search on internet but haven’t found yet.

Thank in advance.

about this is a very good document but it just explain about mapping from SDR to bucket ( + probabilty distribution) not explain about prediction in t+1, +3, +5…

I can’t find a non-video version either, sorry!

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The SDR Classifer don’t. You use the Temporal Memory to generate prediction of t+1 then use SDR Classier to convert SDR back into processable data.

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Thank you @marty1885