How long does a cell stay depolarized?

I have had long walks talking to myself about these metabotropic critters. One amusing line on these receptors is as follows: They smear the current activation pattern out in time. If this function was happening to you right now you would be “enhancing” the current perceptions into a sort of “here and now.” You know, what you are feeling at this moment. Well - every moment.

Functional description - project current activation into the future. If similar fields are firing at the same time they would interact.The past sensation could be made to interact with the present sensation. Allowing this to drive learning rates for a given pattern would enhance episodial memory.

Two patterns that were activated in turn could interact - I could see a memory of the change in patterns could be a form of logic and perform all the rules of internal logic by extracting and learning that from the sensed patterns.

Then again on these nights, the fireflies were out and it was magical. So even if not a bit of this pans out the long night walks were not a complete waste.