Looking for some quick guidance on running the online version of the anomaly likelihood, using the ‘anomaly_likelihood.updateAnomalyLikelihoods’ function. In the source (anomaly_likelihood.py) it says:
… code-block:: python
likelihoods, avgRecordList, estimatorParams = \
Whenever you get new data:
… code-block:: python
likelihoods, avgRecordList, estimatorParams = \
updateAnomalyLikelihoods(data2, estimatorParams)
My issue is that since the model hasn’t seen any data yet there is no history of anomaly scores to pass into updateAnomalyLikelihoods(). Here’s what I’m doing now:
dist = {'mean':0.5, 'name':'normal', 'variance':1e6, 'stdev':1e3}
estimatorParams = {
"distribution": dist,
"movingAverage": {
"historicalValues": [],
"total": 0,
"windowSize": 1,
"historicalLikelihoods": [],
likelihoods, avgRecordList, estimatorParams = anomaly_likelihood.estimateAnomalyLikelihoods(anomalyScores=[ [0,0,1.0] ],averagingWindow=1)
I know the ‘anomalyScores’ argument to estimateAnomalyLikelihoods() consists of a timestamp, raw data value and raw anomaly score. Though since my data does not have a timestamp column I pass in the index value of 0, along with another 0 for the first raw data point and 1.0 for the first raw anomaly score.
Once the initial estimateAnomalyLikelihoods() has run I iterate over the data frame rows, with each new data point running:
AnomScore = resultObj.inferences["anomalyScore"]
likelihoods, avgRecordList, estimatorParams = anomaly_likelihood.updateAnomalyLikelihoods([ [index,row[field],AnomScore] ], estimatorParams)
if index%AnomLikl_obj.reestimationPeriod == 0:
AScores = [ [v['index'], row[field],v['AScore']] for v in results ]. ##gather all raw anomaly score so far##
likelihoods, avgRecordList, estimatorParams = anomaly_likelihood.estimateAnomalyLikelihoods(
anomalyScores=AScores[-AnomLikl_obj.historicWindowSize:], averagingWindow=1)
Notice anything wrong looking or missing in there? As of now it will run without error and output raw anomaly scores but no likelihoods. Thanks