Welcome to the forum; your ideas has been the source of much discussion here.
You may want explore this post:
Ok I get it I’m the emotions guy… here’s why… your network can’t really learn other than by patterning unless you build a judgement component into it. The emotions serve this purpose for better or worse in the human brain. in this paper- HTMs, Time Locking, and Neural Oscillation (Brain Waves) you may find the reason why we learn.
I do not suggest that you try to build a computer with emotions but rather that you consider the value judgement afforded to any decision that emotions bring. An …
This post proposes a model where the “simple” older brain works to train the cortex. It is highly technical and may be a hard read if English is not your first language:
A very recent competing / complementary model of deep predictive coding in the brain.
O’Reilly, Randall C., Dean R. Wyatte, and John Rohrlich. "Deep Predictive Learning: A Comprehensive Model of Three Visual Streams."
How does the neocortex learn and develop the foundations of all our high-level cognitive abilities? We present a comprehensive framework spanning biological, computational, and cognitive levels, with a clear theoretical continuity between levels, providing a coherent…
I personally have been promoting they idea that the older “lizard brain” is the driver of the cortex and behavior for a long time:
It seems to be a thing for connectome/cortex researchers to ignore the processing that goes on in the “lower” brain structures. These were/are sufficient to run lizards and amphibians. There is absolutely no reason to think that they re not performing much of their original functions inside of the functioning brain.
The lower brain receives a low-resolution image from the eye area “away” from the fovea and directs the eye to point at interesting areas to form identification of an object with a …
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