Local rule vs Pooling?

The general idea of Spatial&Temporal pooler is to sample the input space.
The problem with this is it requires the Output neurons to “extend” synapses to ~80% of the INPUT neurons, which should by biologically infeasible, right ?

Could a local rule as described in this paper be used instead ?

How will it look like for HTM neurons ?

Learning Invariance from Transformation Sequences

FoldiakInvarianceLearningNC91.pdf - Google Drive

The solution proposed here is a modified Hebbian rule in which the
modification of the synaptic strength at time step t is proportional not to
the pre- and post-synaptic activity, but instead to the presynaptic activity
(5) and to an average value, a trace of the postsynaptic activity (5).
A second, decay term is added in order to keep the weight vector bounded:

… formulas …

A similar trace mechanism has been proposed by Klopf (1982) and
used in models of classical conditioning by Sutton and Barto (1981). A
trace is a running average of the activation of the unit, which has the effect
that activity at one moment will influence learning at a later moment.
This temporal low-pass filtering of the activity embodies the assumption
that the desired features are stable in the environment.
As the trace depends on the activity of only one unit, the modified rule is still local.
One possibility is that such a trace is implemented in a biological neuron
by a chemical concentration that follows cell activity.


(Foldiak 91) introduces the idea of using a low-pass filter to learn view-point invariance. I’ve seen and used this method before with good results. I did not know about this prior art though!

This temporal low-pass filtering of the activity embodies the assumption that the desired features are stable in the environment. (Foldiak 91)

Example: (Kropff & Treves 2008) use this same idea to make grid cells with receptive fields that are larger than their input RF’s.

Example: I modified a spatial pooler to include this idea and demonstrated learning words from a sequence of letters. The SP naturally forms one stable SDR for each word.

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you mean you did not sample ~80% of input space ?

When I tried to implement SP, the biggest problem was this sampling because it required big matrices , which make it very slow … which is why i tried to bypass it if i can

I had potential synapses to ~80% of the input space, but only a small fraction were connected synapses.