When I run the nupic, I optimize the model param by using swarm optimization but I cannot see the numenta_detector in NAB use it.
Where the numenta get the model param?
I saw the this section;
def _setupEncoderParams(self, encoderParams):
# The encoder must expect the NAB-specific datafile headers
encoderParams["timestamp_dayOfWeek"] = encoderParams.pop("c0_dayOfWeek")
encoderParams["timestamp_timeOfDay"] = encoderParams.pop("c0_timeOfDay")
encoderParams["timestamp_timeOfDay"]["fieldname"] = "timestamp"
encoderParams["timestamp_timeOfDay"]["name"] = "timestamp"
encoderParams["timestamp_weekend"] = encoderParams.pop("c0_weekend")
encoderParams["value"] = encoderParams.pop("c1")
encoderParams["value"]["fieldname"] = "value"
encoderParams["value"]["name"] = "value"
self.sensorParams = encoderParams["value"]
It seems to me that the code use the fix parameter from “c0_dayOfWeek” for example. Please correct me if I am wrong.