Another PART2:
The major problem of the previous post was ENCODING/DECODING the POSITION/LOCATION
I think I solved it
First lets recap the requirements for Grid Cells :
- Large representation capacity - more primes increases capacity
- Path integration - when you get back at the same position you get the same Location
- Locations are unique to each environment - different maps
Lets add what else we can do with RNS - residue number system :
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
Now about the solution, lets pick two primes as quick example:
In [26]: [(i,i % np.array([2,5])) for i in range(11)]
[(0, array([0, 0])),
(1, array([1, 1])),
(2, array([0, 2])),
(3, array([1, 3])),
(4, array([0, 4])),
(5, array([1, 0])),
(6, array([0, 1])),
(7, array([1, 2])),
(8, array([0, 3])),
(9, array([1, 4])),
(10, array([0, 0]))]
So the maximum number we can represent w/o repetition is 2*5=10
- The more primes we pick the space grows exponentially … by the product of primes.
- If we get back to 5 it will always be (1,0)
- Every 10 positions are another space/map i.e. once we anchor we get the same grid just different map.
NOW finally how do we encode/decode ?
Very easy simply use Integer encoder with a range of X to X+10, voila
Again depending on the Encoder you may need different encoder for every map, so it can generate different SDRs.
Or let say 10 maps with single Encoder with range X to X+100.
Here is also operations i.e. motor commands arrive in RNS format
In [27]: n1 = np.array([1,1])
In [28]: n2 = np.array([0,2])
In [29]: n5 = np.array([1,0])
In [30]: m = np.array([2,5])
In [31]: (n1+n5) % m
Out[31]: array([0, 1]) ==> 6
In [32]: (n5-n2) % m
Out[32]: array([1, 3]) ==> 3
In [33]: (n5*n2) % m
Out[33]: array([0, 0]) ==> 10 | 0
Reversing happens by CRT or Matrix Radix Conversion…
The benefit Displacement is simply RSN Addition and Subtraction …
BTW those 3 RSN operations do not require carry bit which makes them more biologically plausible.
… and here is the kicker in RSN there is a concept of base extension , still reading but may be can use it to convert between different grid systems i.e. Reference frames transformation
And I just found this paper, which elaborates what I found in more details.
What Grid Cells Convey about Rat Location
Ila R. Fiete, Yoram Burak, and Ted Brookings