Raspberry pi Nupic.core build failed

After installed Nupic.core, “import nupic.math” was worked. After Nupic was installed, it does not work.

I have checked the version which I installed. It seems OK!

python -c 'import pkg_resources;n=pkg_resources.get_distribution(“nupic”);b=pkg_resources.get_distribution(“nupic.bindings”);print n.project_name, n.version;print b.project_name, b.version’
nupic 0.6.0
nupic.bindings 0.6.0

By the way, how to install building nupic wiki page has gone!

“For details about checking out this repository and building in your local environment, see the Installing and Building NuPIC wiki page.”

Anyway, continue to try fixing this issue.