Spatial Pooler Implementation for MNIST Dataset

Log boosting seems to create a lot of spurious synapses in TM. If i’m correct, when the activity of a mini-column is low, the boostOverlaps_ of that mini-column is “huge”. That makes that the winners for the same input change substantially.

As a note of caution seems like homeostatic synaptic plasticity (the mechanism behind boost) is disabled in L4 quite soon (After the animal was born [1]). Most of the papers about homeostatic synaptic plasticity talk about the inverse proportion between activation frequency and mEPSC voltage [2] (which ultimately affects who will win the inhibition).

In any case, in [2] you can read:

Currently, we know little about the cellular
and molecular mechanisms underlying homeostatic plasticity in vivo.

[1] A. Maffei, S. B. Nelson, and G. G. Turrigiano, “Selective reconfiguration of layer 4 visual cortical circuitry by visual deprivation,” Nat. Neurosci. , vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 1353–1359, 2004.

[2] G. Turrigiano, “Homeostatic synaptic plasticity: Local and global mechanisms for stabilizing neuronal function,” Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol. , vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–17, 2012.

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