Spatial Pooling, SDRs, and Grid Cell Dimensionality Phase Transitions

I like that you’re thinking with manifolds. Manifolds are a good way to analyze these problems.

Something to consider about the Spatial Pooler is that the exact size of the Receptive Fields is controlled by the input manifold. This is good if you are trying to represent sensory features, which are locations on the input-space manifold.

However grid cells are not representing locations on the input-space manifold, they are representing locations in the physical world (which is a different manifold: Euclidean space).

Two locations could be far apart on the input-manifold, but very close together in the physical world. One challenge for grid cells is to associate adjacent locations with the same RF, even if the locations look totally different.

I’ve written at length on this forum about how to modify a Spatial Pooler such that it forms receptive fields which respond to physical locations (as opposed to sensory features).

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