I think a lot of people are converging to similar ideas, and I hope that’s a sign that we’re all going in a good direction. The idea of behavior as a control loop is actually extremely old. Dewey talked about it 120 years ago, and since then we had Herbert Mead, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Norbert Wiener, H.R. Ashby, Bill Powers, Humberto Maturana, James Gibson… Those are just the ones I know about, but I bet that precursors to these ideas go further back. (Sometimes I wonder whether Democritus said it in 400 B.C. - that guy seemed to have almost everything right…)
I wonder if they reverted to 5 layers because they sleep one hemisphere at a time. J Fuster mentioned that either L2 or L3 is dedicated to contralateral connections, at least in PFC. So, if the opposite hemisphere always sleeps, contralateral connections may not be needed. Just a guess.
I read the abstract. That is really exciting as it is a close match for my work. It’s consistant with psychology and Sapolsky’s views.
So I try to translate into plain english for social media. I call this a functionally based model grounded in biology.
Note that it is polarized.
The mention of psychology sounded off to me although I think I get the basic point. It’s been a problem.
In reducing this I sometimes combine action with intent. Intent can be viewed at a neurological and also cellular level. I was trying to establish a direct tie to stimulus / response and homeostasis.
This as all as a developer doing fact finding for design research. I can assure you there were very few facts available in the 1980’s.
I have a requirement where I express an opinion now and then do a revision of it having listened to him.
Coming upon this thread a year later, have the folks here had thoughts regarding how to implement these loops from an HTM engineering perspective? The more topics I read under the ‘neuroscience’ and ‘theory’ tags, the more it seems we need far more than just the basic building blocks of HTM (SDRs, SPs, TMs, TPs) to really get anywhere with brain-inspired AGI.
About feedback loops and equilibrium, found these highly underrated videos on YouTube yesterday evening, and crashed through them, starting from oldest to newest. What it tells me is that maybe HTM could be improving how it handles inhibition and the entire feedback process, as well as taking its basic algorithm and creating the other pieces of the brain as they interact and coordinate with neocortex and thalamus.
Certainly, it brought more of the interconnected nature and inhibition into my perspective which had perhaps been missing/lacking previously.