And can we do it online with HTM?
To learn the higher dimensional manifolds it may be necessary to use layers.
Okay. So it took me a couple of years. But I’m on it now.
May I commend to your attention the following:
A nice video overview in the form of an ICLR 2021 Keynote.
A blog post to whet your appetite:
And then the much deeper-dive in the form of a proto-book that has been posted to arXiv.
I’m working my way through the book now, but I would really appreciate having someone to discuss it with.
Unless I miss my guess, I think @mrcslws will find this all very interesting.
If you’re looking for a deeper dive into the 5G paper, the authors have posted a series of videos (9 videos, ~1 hour each) from a short-course that pretty much covers the entire paper.
I’m late to this party, but yes, very interesting. Such a firehose of fun ideas.