Deep Predictive Learning: A Comprehensive Model of Three Visual Streams

If we are arguing just to score points then you win. The brain can be described in a child’s picture book.

I’m not sure if that level of description will allow you to build an entire visual learning system but - yes - there should always be a simple overview. As a teacher of technical topics I will agree with you that the Feynman principle should apply: “If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it”

I was assuming that forum members are the ones that are digging into the 8 B transistor level models to make things work and are still working out how to pull this off. At this level, the explanations can get complicated. As you well know, elsewhere on the forum they are hashing out how to do branch prediction and while the basics of a CPU instruction execution unit are conceptually straight forward - tweaks to make it work better are proving to be less so.