HTM inherent pattern-oriented weight constraint?

I’ve always had this question in the back of my mind, “What makes HTM different, and in what ways superior, to classical NN or deep NN ways of learning?”

I thought about it today and wanted to check my intuition against the group here at HTM forum.

I thought, well, I don’t know much about backpropagation but it seems like during backpropagation weights can be modified in a way that can destabilize the net. HTM doesn’t seem to be susceptible to this problem.

Key Pixel Problem

It’s called the ‘key pixel problem’ and it affects Generative Adversarial Networks in a big way. As far as I understand it, its one of the reasons their training is harder to converge. Anyway, if you haven’t heard of this problem let me try to describe it in my amateur way:

Neural networks are prone to unintentional fooling. This is currently not seen as an inherent flaw in the design principles of deep neural nets but instead is seen as an inevitable outcome of any dynamically chaotic system. Therefore the solutions to solve this problem are applied after training, current solutions are not changes to the algorithms themselves.

  • key pixels (overfits on some pixels that follow a simple rule in all examples (by chance))
  • opaque (attention problems).
  • small effects can be disproportionately weighted.

Obviously, I’m of the opinion that the key pixel problem is inherent in the algorithm itself. It’s something to be fixed not something to be defended against after the fact. Of course, we should put things in order before they exist.

HTM and the Key Pixel Problem

Anyway, I began to wonder, how does HTM solve this (assuming it does as we humans, at least on the lowest layers of perception are not susceptible to this problem).

Perhaps someone here can give better intuition than my own, as I don’t know DNN or HTM as well as you guys. But my initial intuition says HTM isn’t susceptible to this because of the layer one feedback mechanism. That is, layers above send down a representation of the current higher-level context in that they tell the lower levels a union of lower level perceptions that the lower level can expect to see next.

My feeling is that this union of patterns, (which is really a union of sparse unions, given that each layer below receives data from multiple layers-neighbors above it) associates these patterns together in the same context. Therefore, it seems to me that its a constraining mechanism in the analogous DNN backpropagation.

In other words, it seems like DNNs need another component to their backpropagation that uses the patterns (information) contained in higher level concepts to constrain change to a fuzzy set of nodes in the lower level layers.

Anyway, I know this might be confusing I’m speaking at the edge, and surely beyond my understanding in both HTM theory and DNN theory. So I might be radically misinformed, or what I’m saying might be pathetically obvious to everyone else, I don’t know.

So I’d like some feedback, is this right? Is my intuition at least on a conceptual level correct? I can’t think in math, but I can think in cause and effect, in algorithm. What do you think?

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Are you talking about hierarchy here? I’m no longer certain that hierarchy is the answer to the object representation problem. It is there for a reason, but I think objects can be modeled (with hierarchical compositionality) without requiring a hierarchical model. But that’s off topic.

How Does HTM Solve the Pixel Problem?

I think it’s because meaning is sparse and distributed throughout the system. If you alter one data point in an input pattern, the SP will represent it mostly likely with the same mini-columns. If they are different, they won’t be much different. HTM generalizes on input failure.

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Ah, of course, it’s got a first line of defence there.

I thin it is emerging in the DL/DNN community an understanding that they fail to find “deep” representations. They instead focus on superficial details.

To fix this Hinton proposes capsule networks. Yoshua proposes The Consciousness Prior in which a layer is added on top of the existing ANN with restricted information flow with the hope this will lead to a focus on what is really important.

DNNs see a path from state in1 on layer one to state out1 on layer n, HTM can form a link retrospectively between activation vector at time step t+1 on layer one and activation vector at time step t on layer one. These are radically different.

DNNs seek a complex path from input to output, HTMs remember an association from input to output. I believe HTMs correctly reflects what biology does in three layer networks. I do not see how the active manipulation of internal representations, thought, can occur in HTMs. Of course no one has show the same in DNNs either.

It is early days for both. Still much fun to be had. :slight_smile:


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