I wonder difference between predictive and predicted

Hi. I wonder how “predictive” and “predicted” are different.

Lecture more explains with “predicted” state.
Not sure what “predictive” would mean.

I personally guessed at first “predictive” would happen by TM learning algorithm,
at second “predicted” would happen by also TM learning algorithm based on context as if confirmation on “predictive”

So, if context has been changed, temporal memory learning algorithm would make wrong “predictive” cell,
and that “predictive” cell would be finally into “wrong” like this, is my understanding correct?

I could be wrong, but I think the difference is just grammatical usage. “Predictive” typically refers to the state of a cell (similar to “Active” or “Inactive”). “Predicted” is used in phrases like “Predicted incorrectly”, “the next value predicted is…”, “because it was correctly predicted”, etc. A third form you didn’t mention is “Prediction” (also depending on the grammatical usage).

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Thanks. Your answer is helpful.

So, can I say predictive (cyan cell in the video lecture) in 0 or 1 in cells like active is 1 and inactive is 0?
(Not quite sure but I’m slightly more guessing “predicted” would more correspond to “inactive (0) or active (1)”
because Matt more uses “predicted (blue cell)” in above lecture like active or inactive cells as sequence is going.

So, according to your answer, do you mean I can’t use 0 or 1 for “predicted cell” (blue cell in the video lecture) because it’s just like a phrase for human?
Otherwise, “predicted” also has meaning for TM algorithm?
If so meaning by what (like number 0 or 1)?

But since anyway both of 2 types of “prediction” show in the spatial pooler, it’s confusing whether they both can have 0/1 in its cells or not.

I personally find it easier to think of the Predictive state as a third sate a cell can be in, which is separate from Active or Inactive states (i.e. state is not a binary 0 or 1 – there are three states). Note however that in the algorithm, a cell can both be active and predictive at the same time, which I think is what you are referring to from the video.

As far as when to use “predictive” or “predicted”, I think it is just whatever fits better to be honest. For example “this cell is predictive” means exactly the same thing to me as “this cell is being predicted”. I’ll let Matt weigh in though, since he may have a clearer understanding of any differences.