Newbie: py.test mostly passed not sure if installation a success

Hi, I wanted to make sure my Nupic installation was a success before moving on to tutorials.

py.test tests/unit (yielded the following results)

==== 3 failed, 743 passed, 17 skipped, 7 pytest-warnings in 252.43 seconds =====

Was the installation a success or does it depend? Please see below what I got in red in console. Thanks!

_ AnomalyLikelihoodAlgorithmTest.testEstimateAnomalyLikelihoodsCategoryValues __

>       ret = umr_sum(arr, axis, dtype, out, keepdims)
E       TypeError: cannot perform reduce with flexible type

_________________ CLAModelTest.testTemporalAnomalyModelFactory _________________

>     return modelClass(**modelConfig['modelParams'])
E     TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'tmParams'

______________________ ClusterParamsTest.testModelParams _______________________

ā€œIncorrect json for tm_cpp tmImplementationā€)
E KeyError: ā€˜tmParamsā€™

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As a rule, unit tests must pass 100% before changes are accepted. So any failure in a unit test ought to indicate something wrong, be it an actual error not properly caught during CI (i.e. a process error) or thereā€™s something specific to your installation.

IIRC, we did make some changes re: renaming tpParams to tmParams. Given that the error indicates a problem w/ tm_cpp, Iā€™m guessing that your nupic installation is out of sync w/ your nupic.core/nupic.bindings installation. Iā€™d recommend bringing both up to date, or re-install from binary releases. If youā€™re still encountering such a failure, please post the versions of nupic and nupic.core/nupic.bindings youā€™re using, and if installing from source please include relevant commit shas.

For example, to get versions from the command line:

python -c 'from pkg_resources import get_distribution; print "nupic:", get_distribution("nupic").version, "nupic.bindings:", get_distribution("nupic.bindings").version'

To get commit shas (from the root of the checkouts):

git rev-parse HEAD

Thank you Austin!

this is what I got.
nupic: 0.6.0 nupic.bindings: 0.6.0

could this have something to do with the OS? I am working with:
ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I will continue to try to get 100% for the unit tests.

Also see:

If you installed from binaries (e.g. pip install nupic) itā€™s possible you have an older version of the source code in which the tests are out of sync with what got installed. (Thanks @mrcslws).

I was able to install nupic from binaries and successfully run the tests in an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS container in our Bamboo CI environment at Hereā€™s what I did, including reseting the git repository to the version that matches what was installed (look for the git reset command):

export USER=$(whoami)

apt-get update
apt-get install -y python2.7 python2.7-dev cython curl build-essential cmake git-core

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2.7 1
update-alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2.7

curl --silent --show-error --retry 5 -O

python --ignore-installed pip setuptools wheel

pip install nupic

git reset --hard `python -c 'from pkg_resources import get_distribution; print get_distribution("nupic").version'`

py.test tests/unit

Be advised that this was run in a docker container as root and your results may vary.

Thanks Austin, Rhyolight,

I upgraded my RAM from 2G to 8G.

After trying some steps at: Installing NuPIC on Ubuntu 12

Currently at:
nupic: 0.6.1.dev0 nupic.bindings: 0.6.2.dev0
==== 2 failed, 744 passed, 17 skipped, 7 pytest-warnings in 255.12 seconds =====
(1 failed down )

I wonder what the 17 skipped and 7pytest-warnings are about.
And also wondering if installing Ubuntu on Windows/vmware would make any difference since my friends system is configured that way.

Anyhow I will check into your feedback and report back. I am new to GIT as well so itā€™ll take some time to understand. Thanks!!

current text in red at the console when (py.test tests/unit) :
_____________________ CLAClassifierHelperTest.testAddLabel _____________________

def _raiseerror(self, value):
    err = ParseError(value)
    err.code = value.code
    err.position = value.lineno, value.offset
  raise err

E ParseError: junk after document element: line 9, column 0

_________________ CLAModelTest.testTemporalAnomalyModelFactory _________________

def __getattr__(self, name):
  if not '_region' in self.__dict__:
    raise AttributeError
return getattr(self._region, name)

E AttributeError: ā€˜Regionā€™ object has no attribute ā€˜purgeInputLinkBufferHeadsā€™

Hi Rhyolight,

nupic 0.6.0
nupic.bindings 0.6.0

after reinstalling Ubuntu and following the steps you mentioned, I got :
(py.test tests/unit)(prior to git checkout tags/0.6.0 there were 6 failures)
========= 745 passed, 17 skipped, 7 pytest-warnings in 253.01 seconds ==========

did the test pass?!


Thank you very much Austin, Rhyolight!! look forward to getting to the tutorials.