Nonconservative Neurobiology - A geometric perspective upon synaptic transmission

In a Reddit Cognitive Biology forum topic I found this that (neuroscientifically) seems to go beyond Hinton’s capsules and such. Although there is no way to know how much of this holds true I felt it needed to be presented:

In this last section, I provide a framework that may be used to construct the environment in which a 3D+1 electrochemical physiology-model may unfold, and where the geometrical details of that environment can be extracted from actual observations. While leaving a fuller mathematical treatment for the future, I will try to show how such a framework can be used to gain a fresh perspective of the synaptic function. The driving questions of this discussion are: ”what is a cell?”, and ”how does electricity act on cells?”.


Hi, as I’m the author of this work, if you need any clarifications of it, I’d be happy to provide them.

With this perspective, I tried to asses how electricity develops within the material architecture of living beings. As it turns out, organisms can be described as a set of nested conductors, omnidirectionally bound by dielectrical sheets (i.e. membranes). If one follows the evolution of an action-potential within such a system, it becomes immediately clear that the spatial displacement of the pulse along an axon looks the perspective of a stationary spine as a temporal increase in the magnitude of the electromagnetic field. This time-dependent change of the EM-field, induces an electromotive force in the presynaptic neuron, which upon the opening of ligand gated ion-channels, must be release a part if this energy back into the extracellular space.
Acknowledging that electricity is described via a tensor field (i.e. the electromagnetic field), and not the scalar electrical potential, neurons and all other cellular components can be described as exotic antennae, while the brain/organism as such, can be treated as a particle/field decelerator.