I want to build a multilayer network of multidendritic neurons, like I’ve read about in the Hawkins papers and seen in the tutorial videos on YT. I’d like to add axonal network connections to more layers, for the purpose of basic research in modeling biological neural networks. I’m very familiar with python so if I could just get something started I think I could make progress. I’ve looked around for answers to these questions, but nothing pops right out. If someone could answer these or point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. I’ve installed Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and nupic-master, nupic.py-master, and nupic.torch-master, all from zip files downloaded from git.
What is the best (easiest to configure properly) version of linux to install in Oracle VBox for working with Numenta source code?
What is the best repo on github to start with? I tried following the README.md file for nupic-master, nupic.py-master and nupic.torch-master. For nupic-master and nupic.py-master it reported it installed successfully but I couldn’t find the file py.test.
I’m trying poking around running utils_test.py but I got a ‘pickle’ error.
@PeriodicStructure Sam gave you the best examples of using the Network API to build the types of architecture you want, however at this point I’m not sure I recommend NuPIC to build anything new. It is Python 2 and in maintenance.
For new constructions, I suggest you look into htm.core (#engineering:community-fork). The concepts are the same, and I believe the Network API at its core is the same in both frameworks. Htm.core has both C++ and Python 3 interfaces, and is an active community project.
Matt, thank you for the advice. I just can’t get it to install. It keeps failing on cmake. I tried doing the binary install, the simple python, and the c++ build. None of them worked. I checked all the requirements. I know you guys are too busy to offer support, so I will try to get some help from some of the linux gurus I work with. Thanks for the response though.