Problems using a Nupic example (Hotgym)

Do you know why the “–plot” is not working?

acheron@ubuntu:~/nupic/examples/opf/clients/hotgym/prediction/one_gym$ python --"plot"
Starts a NuPIC model from the model params returned by the swarm
and pushes each line of input from the gym into the model. Results
are written to an output file (default) or plotted dynamically if
the --plot option is specified.
NOTE: You must run ./ before this, because model parameters
are required to run NuPIC.

Creating model from rec-center-hourly...
Importing model params from model_params.rec_center_hourly_model_params
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 149, in <module>
    runModel(GYM_NAME, plot=plot)
  File "", line 139, in runModel
    runIoThroughNupic(inputData, model, gymName, plot)
  File "", line 99, in runIoThroughNupic
    output = nupic_output.NuPICPlotOutput([gymName])
  File "/home/acheron/nupic/examples/opf/clients/hotgym/prediction/one_gym/", line 116, in __init__
NameError: global name 'plt' is not defined