Synapse Competition

Competition is a common motif in biology & neuroscience. In this post I describe and analyse using a competition to control synapse formation.

Written by David McDougall, 2019

Update: I compiled and edited this thread into an article, you can read it at:

Hebbian Learning and Thresholds

Synapses in the cortex use Hebbian Learning. Neurons in the cortex use a constant activation threshold to discriminates between cells which recognize their inputs and cells which do not. Naive models of the cortex incorporated just these two features and observed that Hebbian learning has two characteristic failure conditions.

  • If the threshold is too high then cells never activate. Inactive cells do not learn, and so they never form additional synapses with which they might overcome the activation threshold. These cells are stuck-off.
  • If the threshold is too low then cells activate, learn and form new synapses, which makes them more likely to activate. This can lead to lead to run away activity, where all cells activate at the same time, or a cell activates in response to everything. These cells are stuck-on.

Inhibitory cells in the cortex facilitate a competition between neurons. The competition augments the activation threshold be raising it such that only a small fraction of the strongest neurons activate. The competition can raise the threshold as high as it needs to, allowing it to scale to any number of neurons with any number of inputs. Models which include a competition do not suffer from the same characteristic failures of the naive models. In general, hebbian learning works better with a competition than with only a constant threshold.

There is a component of HTM models which uses hebbian learning with only a constant threshold: synapses. The permanence value of a synapse is controlled by hebbian learning. A simple constant threshold discriminates between potentially and actually connected synapses. Synapses suffer from failure conditions which are characteristic of hebbian learning combined with only a constant threshold.

Methods of Analysis

I trained a Spatial Pooler to recognize the handwritten digits 0-9 in the MNIST dataset. All experiments scored between 95% and 96% accuracy, and changes in accuracy as a result of these experiments were insignificant.

I measured the number of connected synapses on each segment. This experiment seeks to control this number. Segments have at most 73 potentially connected synapses, meaning that regardless of any experimental modifications the maximum number of connected synapses is 73.

I measured the activation frequencies of each neuron. Activation frequencies are reported in graphs as a fraction between 0 and 1. The Spatial Pooler enforces a sparsity of 1% cell activations, which means that the average activation frequency across all cells in the Spatial Pooler will also be 1%.

I calculated the binary entropy of the activations, which is a measure of how much information the cells are transmitting. The entropy is reported as a percent of the theoretical maximum entropy of the system with the sparsity held constant. Higher entropy is better.

Run Away Hebbian Learning

In this section I demonstrate the failures which are characteristic of Hebbian learning combined with a constant threshold.

Figure 1: Histogram of the number of connected synapses per segment, in a Spatial Pooler with no constraints on the number of connected synapses per segment. Notice that some segments have very few synapses (4) and that some segments have connected every potential synapse (73).

Figure 2: Histogram of cell activation frequencies, in a Spatial Pooler with no constraints on the number of connected synapses per segment. Notice that a significant number of segments are underutilized / stuck-off, having close to zero activations. A small minority of segments are overutilized / stuck-on, activating significantly more often than the average activation frequency of 1%.

Model of Synapse Competition

I modified a Spatial Pooler such that the number of connected synapses on each proximal segment is constrained. I introduce two new global parameters: minimumSynapsesPerSegment and maximumSynapsesPerSegment. Whenever a segment has too few or too many connected synapses the permanence values of all synapses on the segment are changed uniformly such that the segment has a valid number of connected synapses. The permanence change is calculated to be the smallest possible change which achieves the desired effect.


I implemented the model of synapse competition and I hope to eventually contribute it to the community fork of Nupic. I experimented with several different parameter sets, shown here:

Minimum Connected Synapses Per Segment 0 (No Limit) 15 20 30
Maximum Connected Synapses Per Segment 73 (No Limit) 50 40 35
Maximum Cell Activation Frequency 12% 9.3% 6.8% 3.1%
Binary Entropy 87% 91% 94% 96%

Figure 3: Data table of results. Notice that as the constraints of the synapse competition are tightened, the entropy increases.

Figure 4: Histogram of cell activation frequencies, in a Spatial Pooler with the constraint that the number of connected synapses per segment is between 30 and 35. Notice that significantly fewer cells are underutilized and that no cells are overutilized.

Effect of Synapse Competition on Permanences

Figure 5: Histogram of synapse permanence values, in a Spatial Pooler with the constraint that the number of connected synapses per segment is between 30 and 35. The red line indicates the connected threshold for synapses. All synapses to the right of the red line are connected. All synapses to the left of the red line are disconnected.

Notice the small bump which coincides with the connected threshold. This bump exists on both sides of the threshold. This bump is only present when the number of connected synapses per segment is constrained (evidence not shown). This bump is caused by synapses which lost their competition and are trying to cross the threshold, but which are being held back by the new competition rules. These synapses could be either trying to connect or disconnect, and in both cases they’re unable to.

Thank you for reading! I look forward to your comments and questions.


Very nice work.
I like to think of the inter-neurons as “automatic gain control” elements which is a very common concept in electronics. I think that you will find it fits nicely in your exposition.

Very cool work, David! I have a question. In figure 5, why are there so many 0 and 1 permanences? That seems odd.

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Figure 5 is from after the SpatialPooler has been trained, and about 1/3 of the synapses have saturated to 0 or 1.


As you pointed out rhyolight this is a form of boosting. I think i might keep writing this blog post, and add a section of comparisons to other boosting methods.

I also hope to write about the effect of enforcing sparse connections on recognising SDRs. IIRC one of numentas papers discusses this.


Very nice post with the figures! Thank you

Segment/Synapse death may be another approach to this problem.

Is this implemented in community Connections?
As this is essentially boosting, I’d prefer if this synaptic-boosting could share code with the columnar used in SP already. That would make the intention more readable.

I also don’t “feel well” about that image. Does not seem like 1/3, more like 99% are fully decided (0/1).
I was again going to suggest again a synaptic death, but now I see the hard limits

Could you replicate and would this work well if you keep the “Minimum Connected Synapses Per Segment” low and fixed (say 15) and approach only with the upper bound? So replicate with (15-20 range).


  • good: better cell activations (more spread, normal activation frequency).
  • bad: ends up with excesive “wasted” synapses. Can we improve that?
    • kill off whole segments that are always 0/1 (no change is deadly).
    • make the lower bound of synapses per segment a soft limit, so once all synapses are all active, they reduce some of them (this is like inhibition on synaptic level).

Can you please share the experiment and plot code? I’d like to play around.

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In this this post I propose that:
An interesting side note on path based SDRs is the biologically plausible enforcement of scarcity - there could also be the metabolic equivalent of a growth promoter shared over the length of each path SDR. An “empty” dendrite could grow a lot from whatever activation it receives - a “full” dendrite would starve older synapses to reinforce new synapse learning.


Yes, we;ve discussed this. I think this is a key idea! I think a HTM (layer) should:

  • keep more or less constant number of synapses
  • keep exploring (kills underused, adds “random?” new synapses)
    • the starving off and new synaptic growth need to happen randomly and at a small rate, otherwise in Fig.5 you’d get a random(or periodic) anomaly each time a group of synapses decides to die and grow anew.
      I think this will be a good follow up experiment to this one which achieves well-distributed cell activations.
      I wonder if problem in Fig2 could be resolved just by starving as well? Let’s try that, this would be a good alternative theory.

Speaking of theories, is there a biological background for the “enforced range of synapses” approach?

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Yes, very much so. If you read much of what I have been posting I have covered both the reach of dendrites and L2/3 lateral connections several times.
This link has perhaps more than you want to know about this:

Spoiler alert: about 0.3 mm, or eight mini-columns radii.
The pool of mini-columns within the dendritic reach of any mini-column is about 225 mini-columns.

This post gives a simpler and more visual presentation:

And this related post shows how I think the lateral connections vote to reinforce each other and go on to form my dreaded hex-grid.

Hex-grid? What is this hex-grid you speak of?


Nice work, analysis and graphics. I envy people having some time to do this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . Would you mind sharing? Thanks!


In a branch, yes. I will push it to the htm-community repo when I have time.

I remeasured this. ~51% of all potential synapses are contained in the bins at 0 & 1.

The plots were made in python with matplotlib. I did not save the source for all of them.

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Mathematical Analysis

In this section I demonstrate the perils of having too many synapses. I used Monte Carlo methods to measure the false positive error rates as a function of the number of connected synapses.

This analysis models dendritic segments as coincidence detectors. A simple threshold determines if a segment receives enough input to activate. I generate segments with random connectivity and measure the probability that the segments respond to a random inputs.

Size of Potential Pool 2,000 cells
Number of Active Inputs 100 cells, (5 % sparsity)
Threshold of Detection 50 cells, (50 % of the active inputs)

Figure 6: Table of parameters used by this analysis. These values are typical of a proximal dendritic segment. These are not the values used by the Spatial Pooler used to solve the MNIST dataset used by the rest of this article.

Figure 7: Clearly, too many synapses causes a total breakdown of dendritic segment function.

Comparison with other methods of Boosting

Boosting is a general term for methods which aim to control and normalize the activation frequencies of neurons. Here is a table of relevant findings, followed by a more detailed analysis of each method.

Method of Boosting Maximum Cell Activation Frequency Binary Entropy
No Boosting 71 % 51 %
Synapse Competition 67 % 55 %
Exponential Boosting 6 % 87 %
Logarithmic Boosting 12 % 87 %
Synapse Competition and Logarithmic Boosting 3 % 96 %

All methods which use an exponential moving average to track the activation frequency, use a time scale of 1402.

No Boosting

For this experiment I disabled boosting to observe the extent and severity of the issues which boosting seeks to fix. This scored 93.88 % accuracy, making it the only experiment which scored less than 95 % accuracy.

Synapse Competition without Boosting

For this experiment I disabled boosting but enabled the synapse competition, enforcing between 30 and 35 connected synapses per segment. The results show that synapse competition is not a replacement for boosting.

Without boosting the activation frequencies of the cells tend towards the extremes, although it does score above 95% accuracy and it does perform marginally better than with neither boosting nor synapse competition.

Exponential Boosting

For this experiment I used boosting without a synapse competition. Numenta came up with this boosting function, and it is currently the default for Nupic.

boost-factor = e ^ (boost-strength * (target-sparsity - activation-frequency))

boost-strength = 25.

Logarithmic boosting

For this experiment I used boosting without a synapse competition. I came up with this boosting function.

boost-factor = log(activation-frequency) / log(target-sparsity)

This function has a zero-crossing at cell activation frequency of 100% and an asymptote to infinity at activation frequency of 0%. These properties give it stronger theoretical guarantees than the exponential boosting function. It also has no parameters, which makes it easier to use.

See figure 1 for histogram of connected synapses per segment.

See figure 2 for histogram of cell activation frequencies.

Synapse Competition and Logarithmic boosting

For this experiment I used both logarithmic boosting as well as the synapse competition. This is what the results section of this article uses.

See figure 4 for histogram of cell activation frequencies.

Boosting is unable to control the number of connected synapses. The synapse competition can control this. The fact that the synapse competition improves the performance of the boosting function is evidence of the underlying failures and that they are now fixed.


@dmac thanks for very nice analysis. I am also very interested in results of your and Numenta idea „Synapses competition with Exponential boosting“. Maybe it is even better than „Synapses competition with Logarithmical boosting“?
Could you pls share us? Thx

I’d like to verify this provides significant advantage (eg measured on MNIST)

I found another method to control the synapses. Normally the synapses in the spatial pooler have a strength of 1. Instead, divide by the strength of each synapse by the total number of connected synapses to the postsynaptic cell.

So, instead of comparing cells based on the total number of synaptic inputs, this compares cells based on the fraction of their synapses that are active. The range of inputs to all cells is now in the range [0, 1]. Cells can compete to activate on a level playing field even if they have different numbers of connected synapses, whereas normally cells with more synapses will have an advantage over cells with fewer synapses.

This is a technique that I’ve seen done by other similar NN models.


I re-ran the previous experiment, using the MNIST dataset, and I used numenta’s exponential boosting algorithm. It achieved 95% accuracy, as expected.

This method does not directly control the number of connected synapses, and as you can see from this histogram the spatial pooler still has cells which are connected to every possible input as well as cells with very few synapses.


Despite the wide range in the number of connected inputs, almost all of the cells are equally utilized. Almost no cells are stuck off, and no cells are stuck on.


And finally, the entropy of the cellular activity is 99% of the theoretic maximum!


I spent too much time playing with SDRs and MNIST. What I can tell is accuracy depends mostly on the “volume” (size, solidity) of the SDR encoding fed into the classifier.

On some settings 97% can be achieved.
And 100% on training dataset (full overfit).

So when you say a number, all other settings parameters are also worth mentioning, not only SP internals.
e.g. any variant of settings increasing solidity of the SDRs by any means, the observed accuracy is usually improved, not because some synapse intricacies are “better” than others.

I may be missing the point, but in the biological brain, wouldn’t dendrites and synapse populations naturally expand where there is room, and as much as possible as long as there is activity? Wouldn’t that gradually even out the amount of synapses per dendritic segment, per neuron, and per SDR?