Temporal Memory Quiz

Useful references: Why Neurons Have Thousands of Synapses and Continous Online Sequence Learning with an Unsupervised Neural Network Model

  1. What is first order vs high order sequence memory? What is high order vs variable order sequence memory? Why do we need high order sequence memory?
  2. Can the temporal memory learn an arbitrary sequence of inputs?
  3. Once the temporal memory learns a sequence, how does it make predictions?
  4. How long of a sequence can the temporal memory learn? If you have 10,000 inputs into the spatial pooler, 500 columns, and a “reasonable” set of temporal memory parameters (choose some), can you learn a sequence that is 1000 elements long? What about 100,000 elements long?
  5. What is “bursting” and what does it accomplish?
  6. What is the difference between one cell per column vs multiple cells per column (in terms of what sequences you can learn)?
  7. Suppose a temporal memory has learned the following two sequences: ABCDE and ABCDF. You now present the sequence ABCD - what will be predicted next? What is the representation of the temporal memory at this point in time?
  8. Suppose a temporal memory has only learned the following two sequences: ABCDE and FGCDH. You now present the sequence FGCD - what will be predicted next? Suppose you present the sequence CD - what will be predicted next? What is the exact representation of the temporal memory at this point in time (predicted and active cells).
  9. What would be the difference between enforcing one distal segment per cell vs allowing multiple distal segments per cell?
  10. How does online learning happen in the temporal memory?
  11. What are the disadvantages of the temporal memory?