The more I study (or try to and fail in various ways) the biological architecture of the brain the common human failing seems to be that we have a tendancy to apply an understanding of the complexity, which fits within a visual or linguistic type framework. Once you do down the path of more than 4 dimensions, the process goes into an abstract realm within thought and may then become a problem to deal with (without the derivative abstract throught process we call maths reverting the problem to 2D space - on a bit of paper).
One thing that I’m not sure about is do we have a tendancy to collapse “thought” to words by virtue of say the arcuate fascillius and therefore limit our ability or degree of abstract thinking ? Bear with me on this as it does get more abstract… The theory here is that the AF helps regulates “thought” by virtue that we need to be able to externalise in communication, to others or create serial actions, any such “valid” throught process (in a caveman realm, or pre-internet days…). This internal mechanism then acts like a combined speed governor and attention mechanism and may be particular to humans in that way as it becomes more of a necessity as complexity increases.
The brain, being massively interconnected in a hierarchical mesh type structure, by default processes waves of activity in parallel, much like throwing a hand full of gravel into a pond at an angle… the stones falling in the water ripple through the further away they land. The stones being akin to say sensory input or distal interconnected dendritic branches, phased in time in part by the hippocampus (the DG and HC being a particular temporal buffer and phase management structure). The key here is the massively parallel type process going on still need the right sequential structure activation.
Where birds come into all this… is that the buffer and phasing of “thought” is limited in dimensionality, which therefore limits the ability of complexity in understanding. Think of it along the lines of using an alphabet with only say 6 characters and a maximum word grouping of say 3 words. Dimensional constraint in a temporal bound limit complexity.
Language (to me) very clearly shows this buffering and phasing aspect of sensory input streams, where language shows a very particular type of structure that does not sit well with any existing formal deffinitions. This buffering and phasing is maybe the key limit to what goes on. I have modelled part of this activity and it does seems to fit a part, but still figuring out if or how the part fits overall.
The only difference humans may actually have is that thier “buffer” just has more space, nothing else (maybe the AF plays a particualr role in what we call consiousness). The dregree of complexity can only arrive as a derivative of the number of bits available and the bounds in which those bits can apply.
Birds just have a limited buffer, they have the right bits, just not enough of them…
Where it get’s really abstract for me is that if we consider that the human brain is dimensionally constrained by probablistic dendritic proximity what happens with an artificial emulation that does not have a 3D physical constraint…
Maybe just my abstract way of seeing the world… just some thoughts to hopefully create more ideas…