The coding of longer sequences in HTM SDRs

You said it yourself Jarvis:

So we’re agreed word embeddings work. The only problem is how to extract them from a network of sequences:

I start from the position that such sequences are related in the network by sharing (multiple) beginning and end points.

That’s the shape of the network.

If that’s the shape of the network, why shouldn’t we be able to tune the network to reveal that shape. It’s there. We just have to figure out how to project it out.

@DanML seemed to glimpse this, in an oblique way:

So I want to do “graph analysis”, to find “embeddings”, which embeddings are well known as effective representations of both meaning and structure for language.

The only difference is I think the embeddings will contradict, and there will be an indefinite number of them. So I think they must be found ad-hoc at run time.

And a likely way to do that is by clustering using oscillations. Something which is also known to reveal tightly connected sub-graphs which are “embedded” within a broader graph.