The HTM Spatial Pooler: a neocortical algorithm for online sparse distributed coding

I can’t answer on the best numbers for getting HTM simulations to work.
As far as the actual biology I have found some papers that are fairly clear on what to expect from mini-columns.

The mini-column and rising axon clusters are on 30 um centers and the dendrites reach out 250 um in any direction. that makes the “local neighborhood” for a mini-column about 225 mini-columns.

For a much longer post with more intuitive graphics see this post.

Note this post offers a very different view of making a spatial pooler. In the hex-grid view the hex coding replaces the SP part of HTM theory. The advantage is that individual hex-grids combine to describe a pattern that can be much larger than could be described with a single SP. Keep in mind that this is NOT standard HTM and if you play with this you are on your own as nobody but me is actually doing anything with this. My C/perl code will be utterly unhelpful to any project you are likely to be considering as it is a neural simulator model and not a computational model.