This Is My Theory of Human Consciousness

This Is My Theory of Human Consciousness.

Consider the entire human brain is entirely made up of one type of neuron, which is a brain cell. The neuron has many output tentacles called axons, like output wiring of a computer. The neuron has many input tentacles called dendrites, like the input wires of a computers. The middle region of the neuron between the axons and dendrites is a fat region called neuron body. As neuronal signals pass along the dendrites down the body, the signal chaotically shoot signals out the axons. If there is little inputs to the dendrites, there is little output down the axons. If there are many inputs to the dendrites at the same time, there will be bigger explosion of the axons outputs, meaning more energy is produced at the output.


Welcome to the site, you might profit from reading Hameroff (Stuart) and Penrose (Roger), specifically ORCH-OR theory. After getting past some of the cosmological consciousness hand-waving, the base idea is loosely what you seem to be describing above.

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