One of the reasons I like the path table approach is that table is retained in CPU cache and runs very fast.
The path table is +/- computed offset for each element of the path list.
As I mentioned above - if you build the active synapse list for each cell you don’t search after doing that processing step.
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When is a newer version of BaMI or reference papers about the new additions to the theory including the apical dendrites and if possible, material related to allocentric location signals and grid cells’ computation, coming out?
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I honestly have no idea. I would like to work on BAMI if I run out of videos to do, but I’m not sure I will. Even if I did work on BAMI it would be to convert it from PDF into a web asset, and revising and completing content up to and including sequence memory.
But all new research will first come out as papers, usually with associated code samples.
I see, thank you.
7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Multiple proximal dendrites and neural model for SP