I’m travelling to the United States for a conference in the first week of June, and will be staying in the Union Square area of San Francisco. If anyone from the HTM community is around, it would be cool to meet up somewhere and chat about brains.
Monday 3rd June is probably the best date for me, but I’m also around on the evenings of 2nd (jetlagged), 4th, 5th and 6th.
Anyone who’s keen, post your preferred dates and we’ll see what happens!
I could host at Numenta HQ in downtown Redwood City on Wednesday June 5th after work. We may not have beers, but we could definitely find a place to get them nearby. I can provide some light snacks!
The Caltrain station is an easy walk, so @jimmyw you could get here via public transit pretty easily I hope.
@jimmyw@sheiser1 Do either of you (or anyone else) plan on presenting anything? If so, do you have slides? Asking because if no one else needs slides, I will not attempt to set up a projector. I will give a presentation, but it will be on a whiteboard in our main office, which is small. Setting up a projector is a bit of a pain.
Starting in an hour, I’ll turn on the live-stream. It is pointed at the whiteboard in our conference room. I’ll encourage people to have discussions around the whiteboard, and I’ll display chat on a projection so attendees can see interact with chatters.
There was a several second lag on the voice chat.
By the time the comment came out the conversation had moved on from that point.
In almost all cases I ended up talking over whoever was speaking.
I gave up on it after a while and went back to typed comments.