Dependency problem from maven release

I’m having problems including in my build due to a dependency problem:

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':compile'.
  > Could not find algorithmfoundry:algorithmfoundry-shade-culled:1.3.
  Required by:
  :htm_color_sets:0.1.1 >

is anyone else aware of this issue and a possible solution? or is there an older version of I can use that is still functioning well that might not have this dependency?

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Hi @kasperjj,

I’m away from my computer right now but I believe today is a maintenance day for my canonical domain server so maven or Gradle may not work today. However, the dependency jars are all included in the Libs directory.

@rhyolight i’ve been meaning to speak to you about hosting a few dependency jars on an official Numenta server. I believe I mentioned it already but for whatever reason got distracted from it.

If you’re still having problems with the build I will see what I can do tonight, though this may have to wait until tomorrow.


No rush! Thanks for the reply!

Will checkout the full project and try building from that locally - and then check in with maven again next week :slight_smile:

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I’m sure we could easily put some on S3 if that helps.

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@kasperjj how did you resolved this issue? I get the same error message as you describe in your first post.

I never did manage to resolve it. Building using maven depends on libraries that are no longer available in maven.

The current version is 0.6.13 - above it looks like you’re using an older version? You could try using the latest?
The algorithmfoundry-shade-culled asset comes from my server on which is available, so I don’t see what the problem would be? Do you have a repo declaration in your own “pom” file that could conflict somehow?

Thank you @cogmission. Adding your repository was the solution.

@cogmission Anywhere else I can get that algorithmfoundry jar? The checked-in version appears to be corrupt and your repo no longer seems accessible.

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Message received. I’ll look into it.



Hi, I got the same problem.

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':flink-htm-streaming-java:compileClasspath'.
> Could not find algorithmfoundry:algorithmfoundry-shade-culled:1.3.

and this uri : is also not accessible

Hi, I got the same problem.

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':flink-htm-streaming-java:compileClasspath'.
> Could not find algorithmfoundry:algorithmfoundry-shade-culled:1.3.

and this uri : is also not accessible

@cogmission Please take a look at my question, thanks a lot

oh , I download from at master · numenta/ · GitHub. mv this .jar to my local repository and solve the problem . thanks~