I believe you are asking about the H of HTM.
I think that the grid part is the signaling between higher-level “hubs” and yes - there is generalization there.
I offer my thoughts on this here
Or at least some wild conjectures to provoke thought! This post assumes that you are familiar with basic HTM theory and are conversant with the concepts of SDRs and HTM minicolumns.
May I be so bold:
First - let’s be clear what I am and am not talking about.
This is about cells that work by forming regular hexagonal grid structures and are not necessarily the same thing as the “grid cells” that are coding some spatial aspect of the surrounding environment.
These grid-fo…
and here
This is a companion to the post HTM Columns into Grids
Sure Grids are cool - News Flash- so are Maps! The reinforcement within and between maps goes a long way towards a general solution of the binding problem.
One of the “breakthroughs” for me is that the cortical.io people have formed the SOM all in a single batch. While very powerful this is not biologically plausible; the brain learns online as data is presented to it.
I am thinking that with an attractor model that is formed as the cont…