Hey folks, I just got a python3 script running hot gym data through SP/TM using the pybind bindings in nupic.cpp! I put it in a repo so anyone can continue working on it.
Some things to do:
- date encoding
- sdr classification
Hey folks, I just got a python3 script running hot gym data through SP/TM using the pybind bindings in nupic.cpp! I put it in a repo so anyone can continue working on it.
Some things to do:
Hi all,
I finished up this example and added it to the community fork of nupic.
If you have the community fork of nupic installed then you should be able to run it with:
$ python3 -m nupic.examples.hotgym
The output looks like:
{ 'enc': {'resolution': 0.88, 'size': 700, 'sparsity': 0.02},
'sdrc_alpha': 0.1,
'sp': { 'boostStrength': 3.0,
'columnCount': 1638,
'numActiveColumnsPerInhArea': 72,
'potentialPct': 0.85,
'synPermActiveInc': 0.04,
'synPermConnected': 0.13999999999999999,
'synPermInactiveDec': 0.006},
'time': {'timeOfDay': (30, 1), 'weekend': 21},
'tm': { 'activationThreshold': 17,
'cellsPerColumn': 13,
'initialPerm': 0.21,
'maxSegmentsPerCell': 128,
'maxSynapsesPerSegment': 64,
'minThreshold': 10,
'newSynapseCount': 32,
'permanenceDec': 0.1,
'permanenceInc': 0.1}}
Encoded Input SDR( 11765 )
Sparsity Min/Mean/Std/Max 0.00535487 / 0.00546173 / 5.48307e-05 / 0.00552486
Activation Frequency Min/Mean/Std/Max 0 / 0.00546206 / 0.0314162 / 0.502847
Entropy 0.639195
Overlap Min/Mean/Std/Max 0.307692 / 0.889387 / 0.127927 / 1
Spatial Pooler Mini-Columns SDR( 1638 )
Sparsity Min/Mean/Std/Max 0.043956 / 0.0439559 / 2.08729e-07 / 0.043956
Activation Frequency Min/Mean/Std/Max 0.0175359 / 0.043956 / 0.0180039 / 0.0958778
Entropy 0.98031
Overlap Min/Mean/Std/Max 0 / 0.846659 / 0.258616 / 1
Spatial Pooler Connections:
Inputs (11765) ~> Outputs (1638) via Segments (1638)
Segments on Cell Min/Mean/Max 1 / 1 / 1
Potential Synapses on Segment Min/Mean/Max 10000 / 10000 / 10000
Connected Synapses on Segment Min/Mean/Max 93 / 386.627 / 2397
Synapses Dead (0.91597%) Saturated (0.00237314%)
Temporal Memory Cells SDR( 21294 )
Sparsity Min/Mean/Std/Max 0.00338123 / 0.0125091 / 0.0136217 / 0.043956
Activation Frequency Min/Mean/Std/Max 0.00227738 / 0.0125092 / 0.00738557 / 0.0560237
Entropy 0.970851
Overlap Min/Mean/Std/Max 0 / 0.611465 / 0.38252 / 1
Temporal Memory Connections:
Inputs (17542) ~> Outputs (21294) via Segments (43267)
Segments on Cell Min/Mean/Max 0 / 2.03189 / 10
Potential Synapses on Segment Min/Mean/Max 32 / 36.7408 / 64
Connected Synapses on Segment Min/Mean/Max 27 / 34.0459 / 64
Synapses Dead (0%) Saturated (0.27942%)
Predictive Error (RMS) 1 steps ahead: 17.93762259795675
Predictive Error (RMS) 5 steps ahead: 21.900156949876514
Anomaly Mean 0.21317594061261821
Anomaly Std 0.3403140170517574
If you have any questions please ask, or file an issue on our github page. Thanks!