HTM implementation in R

Hi all,

I am currently working on a research paper for my master of health informatics degree and specifically looking at anomaly detection in physiological measurements. I am very interested in what HTM can offer for this but I’m more familiar with R than with Python. I’m wondering if a) would R be considered a reasonable choice of language and b) has anyone implemented HTM using R?

Many thanks in advance.

I don’t see why not.

Not that I have heard, unfortunately.

Thanks for your response - looks like I’ll be the guinea pig :smiley:


Hey @REager , did you end up doing this? - If so, would love to see the code - I have just started building an R Package for HTM …

All the best

Hi @jgab3103 I made a start but ended up doing my research on something else sorry.

No worries - thanks for letting me know - all the best,