HTM NUPIC - anomaly score - different result - same settings for SP,TM,encoder

I get different results when I run the HTM module (with settings that i do not change them).
I use same settings for SP,TM and encoders and I also use Pickle to use for learning and testing steps but why do I get different precision score, f-score and recall each time I run the htm?

Does HTM saves his learning somewhere that I need to delete? but I create and load Pickle files?!! i use python.

Thanks for your help

Can you run your tests without pickling? Does that change anything?

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I tried it without using pickled file, but I still get different result.

Ok, just to be clear, I’m going to ask some dumb questions. :slight_smile:

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I give you some more details about what I am trying to achieve.

I have number of csv file, each csv file has a 24 hours record of Blood pressure, Heart Rate… for individual patient.

For training I group the csv files of those patients who do not die at end of 24 hours readings.
For testing I give the csv files of those patients who are died at the end of 24 hours.

After I have AS, Log and likelihood, then I add a window of 10 hours for each csv files (I only use test csv files). Reason for this is because I want NAB only score FP,FN,TP,TN for 10 hours prior to the patients’ dead. Screen below shows the label ‘anomaly’ so NAB only scores FP,FN, TP,TN for this window


I have modified the NAB to work for my case, and I don’t think it will scores differently for each run, when I provide the same HTM’s output.
I am more than happy to provide with more details if this is not clear.

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There are two things we should address.

  1. different results for different runs of NuPIC with the same data
  2. what you are trying to accomplish and how to accomplish it

Let’s tackle #1 first. I just want to clarify again. When you run your script and process a data set, can you output the results to a file? Then run the script again and output to another output file and diff the results. I want to see the diff. I do not expect for results to be different unless:

  • input data changed (even one bit)
  • random seed changed
  • model configuration changed
  • model being used was saved to disk between runs and re-used

We can talk about #2 once we get #1 resolved.

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OK Thanks. I am sure “input data” and module configuration (SP, TM,encoder) is same for each run.
I am not sure what exactly mean by “random seed changed”? Do you mean
seed parameter in SP and TM ? for SP there is parameter “seed” = 1956 and for TM there is parameter “seed” = 1960 !!! I have this values from nupic document stable version (

BUT result and comparison of outputs of 2 runs is as shown in screenshot below:

output of First run -------------------------------------------------output of second run

So we having different output for every run. not sure why, but I like to find it out and fix it!

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Is the 3rd run again entirely different? Do results ever repeat?

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I tried 11 runs, and I am having different results.
Sometimes python stops working

and also the output will be something like below

it looks like does not scores correctly!

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There is something fishy here. Can you share your code?

yes sure, I also feel something fishy is going on here, Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated .
Start of code

import cPickle as pickle
import shutil
from nupic.serializable import Serializable

# The anomaly calcuation modules
from nupic.algorithms.anomaly import Anomaly
from nupic.algorithms import anomaly_likelihood as AL

# These are the python implementation of the spatial pooler and the temporal memory
# from nupic.research.temporal_memory import TemporalMemory as TM
# from nupic.research.spatial_pooler import SpatialPooler as SP

# These are the same but the faster, C++ implementation
from nupic.bindings.algorithms import SpatialPooler as SP
from nupic.bindings.algorithms import TemporalMemory as TM

# The encoders
# from nupic.encoders import ScalarEncoder
from nupic.encoders import SDRCategoryEncoder
from import DateEncoder
from nupic.encoders import random_distributed_scalar

# Can't live without Numpy
import numpy as np

# The standard python datetime module
import datetime

# The standard python csv module
import csv

import glob
import os
# Helper function to find the index of an active bit
def find_idxs(li):
    return [i for i, x in enumerate(li) if int(x) == 1]

# Helper function to get an SDR out of the temporal memory
def get_sdr(tm_cellsPerCol, cells):
    return set([x/tm_cellsPerCol for x in cells])

# This dictonary holds the model parameters including the spatial pooler, temporal memory and the encoders parameters.
settings = {

    'sp': SP(inputDimensions=(884,),
            numActiveColumnsPerInhArea=40.0, ### framework_v11 - 2% of 2048
            boostStrength = 3.0,
            wrapAround= False),
    'tm': TM(columnDimensions = (2048,),
            cellsPerColumn= 32,

    #'w': 3,
    'n': 2048, ### framework_v8_v1 - this value is changed to match columnDimensions
    'encoder_n': 6,
    'timeOfDay': (1, 6)

# This class is our HTM/CLA model consisting of several encoders for each column, a spatial pooler and a temporal memory
class HTMModel_score(object):

    # initalizing
    prevPredictedColumns = np.array([])
    anomaly = Anomaly(slidingWindowSize=None, mode='pure', binaryAnomalyThreshold=None)

    # This class constructor takes the dataset lenght (datasetLen) so it can calculate the moving average needed for the anomaly score calculation
    def __init__(self, datasetLen,filename):

        # initalizing these variables based on the parameter dictionary
        self.n = settings['n']
        self.activeColumns = []
        self.sp = settings['sp'] = settings['tm']
        self.date_sdr = []

        datasetLen = datasetLen
        estimationSamples  = int(datasetLen * 0.1)
        learningPeriod     = int(datasetLen * 0.2)
        historicWindowSize = int(datasetLen * 0.2)

		##must read >>> = AL.AnomalyLikelihood(
            learningPeriod  = learningPeriod, # If you get an error about this, try to change it to (LearningPeriod  = learningPeriod), they changed the name of this argument in later versions of NuPIC
            estimationSamples  = estimationSamples,
            historicWindowSize = historicWindowSize,
            reestimationPeriod = estimationSamples

    # This method takes a row of the dataset and the row number (i)
    def compute(self, i, row,learn=True, infer=True):
        # Getting some needed data out of the dataset

        print row[0]
        hr = row[4]
        bps = row[9]
        bpd = row[14]
        spo = row[19]
        sensor_hr_score = row[1]
        sensor_hr_log = row[3]
        sensor_bps_score = row[6]
        sensor_bps_log = row[8]
        sensor_bpd_score = row[11]
        sensor_bpd_log = row[13] 
        sensor_spo_score = row[16]
        sensor_spo_log = row[18]
        p_service = row[20]
        c_service = row[21]       

        date = row[0]
# Creating the date SDR
        de = DateEncoder(timeOfDay=settings['timeOfDay'])
        now = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        #now = (h - h.replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0)).seconds / 3600 
        sdr_date = de.encode(now)
        self.date_sdr = sdr_date

        ###Ben _ I changed the n , I added W and I changed the resplution 
        #encoder_rds = random_distributed_scalar.RandomDistributedScalarEncoder(n= 200,resolution=0.01)
        ## 100 bits with 5 active with buckets of size 0.1
        encoder_rds = random_distributed_scalar.RandomDistributedScalarEncoder(n= 220, w=21,resolution=0.1)
        rds_hr_score = encoder_rds.encode(float(sensor_hr_score))

        rds_bps_score = encoder_rds.encode(float(sensor_bps_score))

        rds_bpd_score = encoder_rds.encode(float(sensor_bpd_score))

        rds_spo_score = encoder_rds.encode(float(sensor_spo_score))		

        ## # Then, we concatenate the previous big SDR with and date sdr.
        sdr = np.concatenate((sdr_date,rds_hr_score,rds_bps_score,rds_bpd_score,rds_spo_score))
        # Creating an empty active array to store the output of the spatial pooler
        activeArray = np.zeros(self.n, dtype="uint32")
        ##print activeArray 

        # Feeding the SDR to the spatial pooler and the boolean flag indicates that we want the spatial pooler to learn from this. The output of this is stored in the activeArray
        self.sp.compute(sdr, True, activeArray)
        ##print activeArray
        # The activeArray is a binary vector, so to get the actual indices of the active bits, we use this helper function
        self.activeColumns = set(find_idxs(activeArray))
        ##print self.activeColumns 
        # Then we feed that to the temporal memory. The temporal memory will not output anyting, be we can get the active cells and the predictive cells later on from this `` object, learn=True)

        # This calculates the raw anomaly score
        anomalyScore = self.anomaly.compute(list(self.activeColumns), list(self.prevPredictedColumns))

        # getting the predictive cells and converting them to an SDR and storing it in the variable `self.prevPredictedColumns`
        predictedColumns = get_sdr(,
        self.prevPredictedColumns = set(predictedColumns)

        # Calculating the likelihood probablity of the anomaly score
        likeScore =, anomalyScore, date)

        # Calculating the log likelihood probablity of the anomaly score
        logScore =

        # We have 3 anomaly metrics we can use and experiment with: the raw anomaly score, and the likelihood probability and the log of that.
        # From my experience the loglikelihood is the best one. However, this might be dependant on the dataset.
        # Finally we return these scores with the actual label.
        return (date, round(float(anomalyScore),2), round(float(likeScore),2), round(float(logScore),2),p_service,c_service,hr,bps,bpd,spo)
def main():
  #  with open("C:\Framework_V11\Framework\step_2.pkl") as f:
	#	 model = pickle.load(f)

    datasetfile = glob.glob(r'C:\Framework_V11\Framework\step_two\scores_combined_step_three\*.csv')
    for file in datasetfile:
		head, tail  = os.path.split(file)
		with open(file) as f:
			datasetLen = len(f.readlines()) - 1
		reader = csv.reader(open(file, 'r'))
		next(reader) # skipping the header row

        # Here we create an instance of our HTM model
		model = HTMModel_score(datasetLen,filename=tail)    
		filename_to_write = tail.replace('.csv', '')
		print filename_to_write
		writer = csv.writer(open("C:\Framework_V11\Framework\step_two\scores_combined_step_five_anomalyscore_only\\"+filename_to_write+".csv", 'wb'))
		writer.writerow( ('timestamp', 'anomalyScore', 'anomalyLikelihood', 'logLikelihood','p_service','c_service', 'hr','bps','bpd','spo2') )
        # reading the dataset row by row and feeding the rows to the model
		for i, row in enumerate(reader, start=1):
		 # feeding the model the row number and the row content
		 #print row[0]
		 result = model.compute(i, row)
		 # writing the results
    with open("C:\Framework_V11\Framework\step_3.pkl","w") as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Ok, at the very start of the main function, you open a pickled file. I must assume this model is bad. There must be a way to run your script without loading a pickled file, starting a model from scratch, right?


Hi, I just found out that I was importing the SP and TM from

from nupic.bindings.algorithms import SpatialPooler as SP
from nupic.bindings.algorithms import TemporalMemory as TM

and it seems this was causing the htm to not compute AS.
I now, import SP and TM from

from nupic.algorithms import spatial_pooler as sp
from nupic.algorithms import temporal_memory as tm

Now I get error below;

sp.compute(sdr, True, activeColumns)

AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘compute’

I checked the _anaconda3\envs\nupic\Lib\site-packages\nupic\algorithms\

and compute function exists in the: file.

I don’t have access to NuPIC today, but I will give this new code a try tomorrow.

Thanks, I will send you updated code.

Hi Matt,
OK please try code below, I have removed the pickle and tidy the code a bit.
Few things that I have found out since our last communication.

  1. I want to use Algorithms API, but if you see the code I have below for you, I am actually importing the SP and TM from Network API which I think is wrong (can you comment on this please).

  2. I think main issue with my code is that I don’t correctly compute SP and TM because I am importing SP and TM from nupic.bindings. (which is for region API)

  3. and because of point #1 and #2, I am having problem with getting “activeColumns”,
    and “PrevPredictedColumns

Please let me know what you think.

import cPickle as pickle
import shutil
from nupic.serializable import Serializable

# The anomaly calcuation modules
from nupic.algorithms.anomaly import Anomaly
from nupic.algorithms import anomaly_likelihood as AL

# These are the same but the faster, C++ implementation
from nupic.bindings.algorithms import SpatialPooler as SP
from nupic.bindings.algorithms import TemporalMemory as TM

# The encoders
# from nupic.encoders import ScalarEncoder
from nupic.encoders import SDRCategoryEncoder
from import DateEncoder
from nupic.encoders import random_distributed_scalar

# Can't live without Numpy
import numpy as np

# The standard python datetime module
import datetime

# The standard python csv module
import csv

import glob
import os
# Helper function to find the index of an active bit
def find_idxs(li):
    return [i for i, x in enumerate(li) if int(x) == 1]

# Helper function to get an SDR out of the temporal memory
def get_sdr(tm_cellsPerCol, cells):
    return set([x/tm_cellsPerCol for x in cells])

# This dictonary holds the model parameters including the spatial pooler, temporal memory and the encoders parameters.
settings = {
## i can decrease to 200
    'sp': SP(inputDimensions=(884,),
            columnDimensions=(2048,), ## framework_v11 - change the value from 600 to 1200
            numActiveColumnsPerInhArea=40.0, ### framework_v11 - 2% of 2048
            boostStrength = 3.0,####            changed from 1 to 3
            wrapAround= False),
    'tm': TM(columnDimensions = (2048,),
            cellsPerColumn= 32,

    #'w': 3,
    'n': 2048, ### framework_v8_v1 - this value is changed from 600 to 400 to match columnDimensions
    'encoder_n': 6,
    'timeOfDay': (1, 6)

# This class is our HTM/CLA model consisting of several encoders for each column, a spatial pooler and a temporal memory
class HTMModel_score(object):

    # initalizing
    prevPredictedColumns = np.array([])
    anomaly = Anomaly(slidingWindowSize=None, mode='pure', binaryAnomalyThreshold=None)

    # This class constructor takes the dataset lenght (datasetLen) so it can calculate the moving average needed for the anomaly score calculation
    def __init__(self, datasetLen,filename):

        # initalizing these variables based on the parameter dictionary
        self.n = settings['n']
        self.activeColumns = []
        self.sp = settings['sp'] = settings['tm']
        self.date_sdr = []

        datasetLen = datasetLen
        estimationSamples  = int(datasetLen * 0.1)
        learningPeriod     = int(datasetLen * 0.2)
        historicWindowSize = int(datasetLen * 0.2)

		##must read >>> = AL.AnomalyLikelihood(
            learningPeriod  = learningPeriod, # If you get an error about this, try to change it to (LearningPeriod  = learningPeriod), they changed the name of this argument in later versions of NuPIC
            estimationSamples  = estimationSamples,
            historicWindowSize = historicWindowSize,
            reestimationPeriod = estimationSamples

    # This method takes a row of the dataset and the row number (i)
    def compute(self, i, row,learn=True, infer=True):
        # Getting some needed data out of the dataset

        print row[0]

        p_service = row[20]
        c_service = row[21]       

        date = row[0]
# Creating the date SDR
        de = DateEncoder(timeOfDay=settings['timeOfDay'])
        now = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        sdr_date = de.encode(now)
        self.date_sdr = sdr_date

        encoder_rds = random_distributed_scalar.RandomDistributedScalarEncoder(n= 220, w=21,resolution=0.1)
        rds_hr_score = encoder_rds.encode(float(sensor_hr_score))
        rds_bps_score = encoder_rds.encode(float(sensor_bps_score))
        rds_bpd_score = encoder_rds.encode(float(sensor_bpd_score))
        rds_spo_score = encoder_rds.encode(float(sensor_spo_score))		

        ## # Then, we concatenate the previous big SDR with and date sdr.
        sdr = np.concatenate((sdr_date,rds_hr_score,rds_bps_score,rds_bpd_score,rds_spo_score))
        ##sdr = np.concatenate((sdr_date,rds_hr_log,rds_bps_log,rds_bpd_log ,rds_spo_log))
 #############################################################################       ## # what about to get scores for log anomalyLikelihood 

        # Creating an empty active array to store the output of the spatial pooler
        activeArray = np.zeros(self.n, dtype="uint32")
        ##print activeArray 

        # Feeding the SDR to the spatial pooler and the boolean flag indicates that we want the spatial pooler to learn from this. The output of this is stored in the activeArray
        self.sp.compute(sdr, True, activeArray)
        ##print activeArray
        # The activeArray is a binary vector, so to get the actual indices of the active bits, we use this helper function
        self.activeColumns = set(find_idxs(activeArray))
        ##print self.activeColumns 
        # Then we feed that to the temporal memory. The temporal memory will not output anyting, be we can get the active cells and the predictive cells later on from this `` object, learn=True)

        # This calculates the raw anomaly score
        anomalyScore = self.anomaly.compute(list(self.activeColumns), list(self.prevPredictedColumns))

        # getting the predictive cells and converting them to an SDR and storing it in the variable `self.prevPredictedColumns`
        predictedColumns = get_sdr(,
        self.prevPredictedColumns = set(predictedColumns)

        # Calculating the likelihood probablity of the anomaly score
        likeScore =, anomalyScore, date)

        # Calculating the log likelihood probablity of the anomaly score
        logScore =

        # We have 3 anomaly metrics we can use and experiment with: the raw anomaly score, and the likelihood probability and the log of that.
        # From my experience the loglikelihood is the best one. However, this might be dependant on the dataset.
        # Finally we return these scores with the actual label.
        return (date, round(float(anomalyScore),2), round(float(likeScore),2), round(float(logScore),2),p_service,c_service,hr,bps,bpd,spo)

def main():


    datasetfile = glob.glob(r'C:\Framework_V11\Framework\step_two\scores_combined_step_three\*.csv')
    for file in datasetfile:
		head, tail  = os.path.split(file)
		with open(file) as f:
			datasetLen = len(f.readlines()) - 1
		reader = csv.reader(open(file, 'r'))
		next(reader) # skipping the header row


        # Here we create an instance of our HTM model
		model = HTMModel_score(datasetLen,filename=tail)    
		filename_to_write = tail.replace('.csv', '')
		print filename_to_write
		writer = csv.writer(open("C:\Framework_V11\Framework\step_two\scores_combined_step_five_anomalyscore_only\\"+filename_to_write+".csv", 'wb'))
		writer.writerow( ('timestamp', 'anomalyScore', 'anomalyLikelihood', 'logLikelihood','p_service','c_service', 'hr','bps','bpd','spo2') )
        # reading the dataset row by row and feeding the rows to the model
		for i, row in enumerate(reader, start=1):
		 # feeding the model the row number and the row content
		 #print row[0]
		 result = model.compute(i, row)
		 # writing the results
if __name__ == '__main__':

This script you just showed is still trying to load a model from a pickled file:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 226, in <module>
  File "", line 196, in main
    with open("C:\Framework_V11\Framework\step_2.pkl") as f:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Framework_V11\\Framework\\step_2.pkl'

I’m trying to get your script to create a new model, not load a pickled model. You are loading suspect models that have learned who knows what, and expecting them to return consistent results. You must run NAB with fresh models to get the same results.

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Have you seen the algorithms API quickstart?

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Yes I have been trying this but I get error below:

line 173, in main
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable