Is HTM.Core more used with C++ rather than python?

Originally I tried installing nupic.core, but couldn’t because it was too outdated. I then went on to use HTM.core, and that was less of a battle, but still is hard to figure out. I have been using the Python Region implementation, but it seems very lacking. Do most of you guys use the C++ version of the library?


Personally I use the python API for htm.core, but I do not use the “Regions” API. Instead I make the regions manually and I pass SDR objects to and from them. I feel that this gives me much more control over how the algorithms are executed.


I offen use C++ regions for different applications with IMGUI for visualization
I find use of region’s Phases very interesting!

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That’s probably what I’ll need to do. I have been strictly using the pre-defined regions.

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